RPMs on laptop too high

General Topics for configuring, operating and tuning the Megajolt. Also see the <a href="http://www.autosportlabs.net/MJLJ_V4_Operation_Guide">Operation Guide</a>

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RPMs on laptop too high

Post by roull »

Hi Megajolt community,

Today I fired up my TR6 with a MJ V3, with TPS.
TPS is calibrated and works fine.
The RPMs indicated on the screen are however too high, compared to the mechanical rev counter in the dashboard and also when comparing to the engine noise.
There is already an offset of 248rpms, when the engine is not running.
Then, as an example, the screen indicated 2500rpm when it should be 1200 or 4500, when it should be 3000.
Ground and power source point are the same for EDIS6 and MJ3.
I have well configured for a 6 cylinder .
The advance values do well change accordingly within the range.
I do have problems too keep the engine at idle, so it's hardly possible to make measurements with a timing gun
The engine is backfiring through the carbs.

Any ideas how to get the rpms down?

Thanks in advance, Patrick

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Post by brentp »


Please double check the configured number of cylinders. It looks like it's still configured for 4 cylinders, as the RPMs are reading 1.5 times higher than what you expect.

To absolutely verify the firmware settings, make sure you power down, then power up the MJLJ. Then, with the configuration software, read the controller configuration data by pressing the "read ignition configuration" button on the software toolbar.

http://www.autosportlabs.net/MJLJ_V3_Op ... ain_Screen

Also, when making changes to your configuration, you must press "flash" after you "write". The flash causes to controller to persist the configuration permanently.
Brent Picasso
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Post by roull »

Hi Brentp,

thanks, in deed , when I read the the configuration, everything was on 0°, plus 4-cylinder...
I flashed the MJ, and the rpm readings are fine now.

Fantastic product!

Cheers, Patrick

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