Miata steering angle sensor install?

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Miata steering angle sensor install?

Post by turtlesharkshooter »

Got a 92 Miata. Used Brent's post about connecting pot string to the Merkur steering shaft but the Miata steering shaft is in a solid pipe till the knuckle at the firewall. I loosened the knuckle bolt and looped picture frame hanger wire around the bolt head and tightened it back down but it broke. Anyone know a better way or can point me to a high tensile thin wire option?

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Post by brentp »

We actually used thick fishing line - seems to work great, and very durable.

If you can, please post pics of your install!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by turtlesharkshooter »

brentp wrote:We actually used thick fishing line - seems to work great, and very durable.

If you can, please post pics of your install!
Will post some pics.

Though I have a question. I thought I had it figured out but I don't. How do I account for Steering Wheel rotation far left and far right if my sensor range is 0 to 5volts. Even if I adjust string to 2.5 volts with Steering at dead center. Far turn right and left turns are both 5 volts.

I must have it set up wrong as an Analog input. In this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSHDO4EGE_s you can see that the sensor dial only goes to the right whether I'm turning Left or Right. Right now it is a setup as a mapped input.

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Post by brentp »

You'll need to calibrate your analog sensor so that the value goes negative when it goes (say) left, and then positive when it goes right.


0v = -100
2.5v = 0
5v = 100

If -100 degrees is not 0v, you can simply measure it with a volt meter when the steering position is rotated left 100 degrees, and then note it again when it is rotated right 100 degrees.

Also, in the channel configuration, you'll also want to set the min/max range to be negative and positive - e.g. -100 and +100 degrees.

Hope this helps,
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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