send telemetry data to different server

Setup and configuration for Race Capture Pro real-time telemetry features

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send telemetry data to different server

Post by srikanthvs »


We have purchased two units of racecapture apex for testing. Our requirement is to log sensor + CAN data from a fleet of vehicles and transmit it remotely via cellular network.

We were initially looking at the podium platform but it looks like data will be sent to it only when a lap is completed, otherwise it wont record the data. The nature of our data is more like regular driving so there wont be any completed laps.

Is there a way to configure the device (lua scripting ?) to stream the data out to a different, custom end point through cellular (without the lap limitation) ? I believe the data is sent as a JSON, we can setup the server to do any authentication if that is a requirement.

Any other suggestions are highly appreciated.


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Post by brentp »


The Podium interface is oriented around the concept of 'laps', correct.

To work around that, you can simulate laps based on a different criteria through the use of a Lua script:

You can disable lap timing in the Setup and then create a virtual channel for "LapCount" that increments periodically on a separate value, such as distance. This would create the effect of having 1 lap per every mile, allowing you to see the data in Podium for comparison.

We can create an example script for you if that helps.

Hope this helps!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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