Questions about various UI elements and their exact meaning

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Questions about various UI elements and their exact meaning

Post by aUzer »

1) I see: OBDII --> Add OBDII channel --> CAN ID Match --> Mask
... but I can't find any documentation on this.

- what does this "Mask" field do and how is it used?

- if possible, how would I use the "Mask" field to specify that one PID look at responses from all possible controllers -- i.e., 0x7E8 thru 0x7EF (2024-2031) for non-extended mode 1 or, in my case, from 0x7E8 thru 0x7EB (2024-2027)

2) Automatic Control

- what exactly is controlled by the "Automatic Control" setting? ... is it just SD Logging? ... if not, what else is controlled?

3) Automatic Control --> SD Logging

- being set aside in a different area, it's implied that SD Logging on/off is only one of the things controlled by the setting in "Automatic Control" ... is that true, or is the top "Automatic Control" section really "Automatic SD Logging Control" and the "SD Logging" on/off switch enables/disables that control?

Comment/Suggestion: there's lots of room in the UI, a well-worded documentation 1-liner could really help clarify such things (I'd be happy to supply, once I know what's happening)

- how do the lua functions "startLogging()" and "stopLogging()" relate to the "Automatic Control" and/or "SD Logging" settings ...

- do both the "Automatic Control" settings and start/stopLogging() functions work to override each other or is the "Automatic Control" stuff disabled then the script issues a start/stopLogging() or vice versa or ... and how does the "SD Logging" on/off relate to this (possibly clarified by above answers)?

4) Telemetry --> Telemetry Configuration --> Background Streaming

- what exactly is enabled/disabled when the "Background Streaming" switch is on/off?

- what is "lost" if I set the "Background Streaming" switch to "OFF"

- what exactly is meant by "When disabled, telemetry is synchronized with SD logging."?

Though I currently have no use for Podium, and I assume that means I have no use for "Background Streaming" ... or do I?

- does "Background Streaming" apply only to Podium or does it apply to the RaceCapture app connection?

- if "Background Streaming" applies to the app connection, what happens if it's "... synchronized with SD Logging"?

To me it's unclear how the internal cellular option relates to "Background Streaming" and how those relate to RaceCapture app and/or Podium-use capabilities.

Can Podium be used "though" a phone running RaceCapture instead of via an internal cellular option ... and, if so, how? I was unable to find any clear documentation on the web site. Since Podium is a major feature/capability, I'd think there should be a page dedicated to explaining exactly how it relates to each RaceCapture product (and the settings).

5) As a side question, does anyone know the range of CAN IDs for the controllers that can respond to extended mode 1 PID queries (query 0x18DB33F1, etc.) ... supposedly, the range starts with 0x18DAF110, but I've been unable to find any documentation that specifies the end of the range CAN ID for responding controllers.

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Post by brentp »

Hi, here are some answers:

1) The OBDII mapping is using the same framework as the regular CAN mapping. the mask field is documented here: ... ID_and_bus - most people do not use it.

We also have our regular OBDII guide here:

2) Automatic Control provides automatic triggering of things, which varies by system. If the system has an SD card, then the SD logging option is provided. If the system can do camera control, then the camera control option appears.

3) The control parameters at the top of the screen controls the things below, which can be enabled/disabled individually. Agree some more wording could help clarify.

Lua can be used to trigger logging start / stop independently of the automatic control triggering, just like the front panel button can trigger a start / stop. They are all triggers which can happen independently of each other. If that's not clear, just experiment with it to see how it works.

4) When turned off, cellular telemetry streaming only happens when SD logging is active. If you're not streaming to Podium, you can ignore this setup page, it will have no effect on logging.

We have our telemetry setup guide featured prominently in the wiki: it's the 3rd item in the list of guides:

5) Not sure, you might want to check with the OEM's documentation.

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Post by aUzer »

The only information on the Mask field I see states:
"... the Mask will be logically AND'd with the CAN ID for further matching and filtering."

So, which is it, matching/inclusion or filtering/exclusion ... and what's the behavior of the ANDing ... if the result of the AND'd bits are 1, what happens ... 0, what happens.

I tried the following in an attempt to allow all 8 controllers that are allowed (by the spec) to respond to a non-extended mode 1 PID query -- i.e., 0x7E8 thru 0x7EF (2024-2031)

Thinking that 8 is binary 1000 and F is binary 1111, and that what I want would be to AND the last 3 bits so that, when AND'd with 0x7E8 they're always 1 ... that means the Mask entry would be 0x7EF (2031), but that gets nothing, when I tried it.

So, how does the Mask field actually work?

BTW, since the spec indicates that the response to a mode 1 non-extended PID query can come from any controller in the range of 0x7E8 thru 0x7EF, shouldn't the default setup for OBDII entries include a mask that allows this?

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Post by aUzer »

[a little while later ...]

OK, played some more and found that 2024 as the CAN ID and 2031 as the Mask does work ... so I'll assume that it's now accepting a response from any controller in the range of 2024 thru 2031.

Must have made a typo when I first tested it. After exhausting multiple other ideas, I tried it again (since I was convinced it should work).

It'd be good if you could confirm that all this seems correct (and update the code so that the default is CAN ID 2024 and Mask is 2031?).

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Post by brentp »

It looks like you interpreted the documentation correctly. Glad you figured it out!
Brent Picasso
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Post by aUzer »

In case you missed it above (seems like you've been busy ... when do you sleep?!), maybe for 2.0:
Since the spec indicates that the response to a mode 1 non-extended PID query can come from any controller in the range of 0x7E8 thru 0x7EF, shouldn't the default setup for OBDII entries include a "2031" mask to always allow this?

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