Loading of maps

General Topics for configuring, operating and tuning the Megajolt. Also see the <a href="http://www.autosportlabs.net/MJLJ_V4_Operation_Guide">Operation Guide</a>

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Loading of maps

Post by nickmupp »

Hi all
I am sorry if this subject has been covered before but after purchasing a new megajolt lite off ebay and loading supplied disc,it has left me confused on the practice of loading a map.I am just in the process of buying the remainder of items needed to install the meagajolt.I'm fitting it to my 2.1 pinto in a Tiger Super 6.The engine used to run about 160 bhp on dyno but in an attept to up power i found standard ignition to be no good.After much searching i've located a couple of maps to try http://www.cate1.co.uk/megajolt/installation.php but the loading using software has lost me.Could any one please point me in the right direction.

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Post by brentp »

Hi Nick,

I am assuming the MJLJ is installed on your engine already and is running? If not, review the install instructions, found on the autosport labs Wiki (click "how to" above).

If so, you need to download and install the configuration software and then connect to your MJLJ using a standard serial cable. Download the software here: http://www.autosportlabs.net/index.php? ... n_Software

After the configuration software is running and can communicate with the MJLJ (you see activity while the engine is running) you can use the software to load a new ignition map.

You will also find a source of ignition maps here in the forums (See Ignition Map Library). Be sure to contribute yours once you get your engine tuned up!

Hope this helps,
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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