What is the status of RCP Analysis?

Discussion on the RaceCapture App - Windows, Android, OSX and Linux.

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Post by brentp »

Hi Alex,

It's not coming any more - it's actually here, and people are already using it! :) But it's not working for you, so let's take a look at it.

Aside from the uninstall process, have you been able to run previous versions of the RaceCapture App successfully (1.3.13, etc) - and it's just 1.4.0 having problems?

Other things to try:

* Perform a full windows update

* Update video drivers from the manufacturer. The RaceCapture app expects fairly up to date video capabilities, and often a driver update fixes things.

* Try booting in "Safe Mode (with Networking)" to see if that allows the app to run. You can get into safe mode by pressing F8 before windows launches. If that works, check to see if you're running any unusual anti-virus programs or other background services?

* Also, anyone else seeing this issue?

I know you've tried two machines, but if you have access to a 3rd, that would help as a comparison.

Thank you for trying it out with your MK1. While we wanted to get this app analysis out much sooner, it's also worth noting we've worked hard and applied significant time keeping the RCP MK1 firmware 100% in sync with the latest fixes and features that MK2 enjoys - across over 14 firmware releases, all the way to 2.8.5. It's something not immediately visible, like a major feature, but it does create significant quality and stability in the system.

The end result is full MK1 compatibility with the latest app, including the new analysis features we have delivered in the Beta.

Thanks again,
Brent Picasso
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Alex W
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Post by Alex W »

The previous version that I had installed was 1.3.7. That worked fine, other than now being unable to uninstall it. On my desktop I "manually" removed it (deleted the folder and any references to it in the registry), so it is plausible that there are some lingering elements that could effect v1.4. v1.3.7 is still installed on my laptop, as I cannot uninstall it and I didn't want to do the manual removal just yet.

Windows is up to date other than a few updates optional updates related to remove desktop stuff that I don't use, and there is an updated video driver that I just discovered along with one other update I am installing now. However, it seems unlikely that the video driver would be the issue as the problem I am having isn't with launching the app, but with just getting it to install / uninstall. But, I suppose it's possible. I will give safe mode a try as well.

To be fair, I'm not completely dis-satisfied with the product. The hardware is nice, and I do thank you for continuing to update / support the firmware for the original hardware. It's just the difficulty in being able to really *do* much with the data, short of manually looking at it with excel or jumping through hoops to get it in another program that has been frustrating.

Alex W
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Post by Alex W »

OK, very interesting.

In safe mode, uninstall of the old version and install of the new were perfectly fine, no trouble at all.

Reboot in normal, try to launch the newly installed v1.4, and I get a similar behavior as before, three instances of a "racecapture.exe" process, same 108k memory usage, but nothing else happens.

Reboot in safe mode, and I get the Kivy error due to lack of proper video support (not too surprising, given that it's safe mode). But the important thing is the app at least got to that point, where-as it didn't really do anything in normal Windows.

This was all on my laptop.

About the only thing common to the laptop and the desktop is the Avast (free version) anti-virus. So I uninstalled that on the laptop, and bingo, app opens right up. So, there is some incompatibility between the latest (I think) version of Avast and the RaceCapture app (both the new beta and v1.3.7). I never actually tried to launch the old version, but Avast certainly prevented it being uninstalled. Not sure which program is ultimately to blame, just saying that they don't play nice.

Alex W
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Post by Alex W »

Avast uninstalled on the desktop, and V1.4 installed and runs just fine now. I strongly suspect (due to the issues with uninstalling 1.3.7) that this is some issue with an update to Avast. Looking for a new anti-virus now (again...)

However, this brings me to a new issue, one that has been mentioned before by myself and others. The requirement to have the start finish line set before data is recorded. For autocross use it will likely be impossible to set this up before hand, certainly difficult. Even for track use, the lead-up to a track event is often hectic with other preparations, and getting the data logger configured for the start/finish of the track might not get done (as was the case for my most recent event). The analysis software really needs the ability to set the start/finish after the fact (IMHO).

Also, for us autocrossers, it would be really nice if there was also a field where you could enter an expected lap time or a number of laps to consider one run, as often on small parking lots you end up crossing the finish and/or start multiple times in a single run, so a purely GPS based start/finish won't work for us.

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Post by brentp »

Hi Alex,

Glad you figured it out. Yeah, don't know about Avast. We regularly scan the machines that built the install package, so, just not sure there. Windows itself is a general s*it show when it comes to compatibility and conflicts with apps.

What you can do today is log some data by taking a drive around the block, manually setting a start/finish line at some location. You'll be able to generate some data and test the analysis features.

We have a list of issues (features and bug reports) here: https://github.com/autosportlabs/RaceCa ... s/Analysis And one of them is the ability to re-calculate laps and runs after the fact.

However, at least with circuit racing at known tracks, we've made this about as fool proof as possible providing you've done a few simple things in advance - a one time setup. Specifically:

1) select your favorite tracks through the Race Track configuration screen
2 When you arrive at the race track, the track will auto detect and auto configure as soon as RCP powers and gets a GPS lock (no need to set start/finish line)
3) The app will show the detected race track at the top, providing confirmation that lap timing will work.

For AutoX, you can set separate start finish line, but it's still weak, because it's inconvenient to set the start/finish lines. What we need is the ability to take the tablet / phone out of the car, do a course walk, set the start line, then the finish line (using the phone's GPS), then when you get back to the car, the precise start finish lines are set in RCP. Then, you'll get proper timing for your runs.

Thanks again for checking it out, and yes, we'll continue to support MK1 for as long as we can!
Brent Picasso
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Post by JMcDonough »

Alex W wrote: The analysis software really needs the ability to set the start/finish after the fact (IMHO).

Plotting vs time or distance from the beginning of the file plus the ability to crop the file in the app when plotted vs time would allow for easy comparison of autocross logs that don't have start/finish.

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Post by GTIspirit »

JMcDonough wrote:
Alex W wrote: The analysis software really needs the ability to set the start/finish after the fact (IMHO).

Plotting vs time or distance from the beginning of the file plus the ability to crop the file in the app when plotted vs time would allow for easy comparison of autocross logs that don't have start/finish.
I'm not understanding what's so hard about getting the app to work for autocross.....

What about plotting versus GPS position? And versus distance from start? Plotting versus distance/position is preferable anyhow..... The app should be plotting versus distance/position anyhow. So just overlay the autocross runs by position, and plot versus distance (not time, which is bad anyhow for racing analysis)

Doubtful that GPS is accurate enough to differentiate if the cone was clipped or given wide berth.

So you pull up to the start line, which is always the same. Press start recording, haven't moved yet, so doesn't matter for how long the recording runs. Drive the course. Stop recording when through the finish. Doesn't matter if there is extra recording at the end.

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Post by brentp »


It's not hard in theory, it's just that we're working down a list of features as we go. Our development process is very transparent, if you know where to look: https://github.com/autosportlabs/RaceCa ... 3AAnalysis

That's a list of all of our analysis features. it's long, right? And there are still things to add.

So, handling point-point runs (autox, hill climbs, etc) works right now if RCP knows the start/finish line already.

For setting a common start/finish line there a 'walk a track' issue where one can set the start and finish lines by using a device (phone) out of the car, grab the points during a track walk, then set them to the unit afterwards.
https://github.com/autosportlabs/RaceCa ... issues/531

Finally, there's this issue, if you collected raw data and RCP is not pre-configured to do run timing in real time.
https://github.com/autosportlabs/RaceCa ... issues/816

The charting on analysis already plots by distance (vs time). Switching to time based plotting is on the list as well.

Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by brentp »

1.4.1 RaceCapture app and 2.8.6 firmware announced here: https://www.autosportlabs.com/racecaptu ... -released/
Brent Picasso
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Post by pmacduffie »

I have to be honest. I have basically given up; I have not the energy to mess with it anymore and meet with roadblock after roadblock. I wanted to hang on to the idea of live telemetry, but after some sort of data corruption killed all my data from road atlanta I removed the mk1 and its been sitting since.

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Post by brentp »

Thanks for all of your feedback, support and ideas along the way. We now have powerful analysis online with http://podium.live and now analysis capabilities within the app, with additional features on the way, supporting both RaceCapture/Pro MK1 and MK2 and now with the new plug and play version of RaceCapture.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by brentp »

Hi :D We've released a major improvement in RaceCapture analysis features, available right now in v1.6.0!

https://www.autosportlabs.com/racecaptu ... -and-more/

Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by tom.armstrong »


We are running a mk2 on a fsae car in the UK. We have been trying to get a log file imported in to the analysis but with no luck. The software hangs at 'initialising import' stage.
I read that for the online analysis to work the data needs laps. We don't have these, as we are testing on small skid pads or ad-hoc tracks. Is this our problem? Is there a work around. We are really mainly interested in time analysis rather than distance.




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Post by brentp »

Hi Tom,

can you upload your datalog somewhere, like http://dropcanvas.com so we can take a look at it?

What we need to check is to make sure your log file doesn't have any channel information that the analysis is choking on, like duplicated column names or anything else that might cause it problems. We're ironing out issues as we go.

Also: make sure you're on the latest app (1.6.0)

Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by tom.armstrong »

Hi Brent

Cheers for the fast reply. We are running V1.6 on Windows 7 and I have also tried it on an android tablet (with V1.6), same issue.
Have put an example file here:


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