Map and bin questions

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Map and bin questions

Post by jwbow »

Hello all,
New system installed and running and I have some basic question before I attempt the tuning task. Engine is a stock 4 cly N/A with fuel injection. At idle 800 to 1000 rpm Kpa runs about 53 and increases as you increase speed. If I understand the system the bins represent load so I should start my bins at 50 and increase to 100. Is that correct or should I start at a lower value? It is also my understanding that the basic advance curve should match the engines torque curve. Is that correct. I have located the stock torque curve for this motor and it peaks at 5500 rmp. Basied on that my advance should do the same and decrease as the load increases is that correct? The basic map that was loaded with the system makes the engine backfire through the intake.

With the EDIS system should you open the spark plug gap to .045?


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