Wont start facing downhill

General Topics for configuring, operating and tuning the Megajolt. Also see the <a href="http://www.autosportlabs.net/MJLJ_V4_Operation_Guide">Operation Guide</a>

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Wont start facing downhill

Post by ah00 »

Hi Guys

Im having a problem with my megajolt setup, its been in the car for about 2 months but hasnt had HT leads connected because I was waiting for a cheap enough usb adaptor to turn up on ebay. The silver megajolt box isnt bolted down yet and the coil pack isnt ridgidly attached yet.

I think I have the 3rd version of the hardware, using MAP. I got my adaptor earlier this week, and connected everything up and was able to communicate with version 3 of the software but not version 4 (is that right??).

Basically my driveway finishes with a slope, I get to the bottom and it cuts out, unfortunately it wont start again facing downhill even on a slight gradient. I get the car back to the top and it starts perfectly.

I have made no changes to anything other than putting a map (which still needs tuning) in the 'jolt, disconnecting the coil, removing the old HT leads and putting the ford ones on. There is some missing on the flat, but that might be the map.

The car is a '67 Morris Minor with a 1330cc marina engine with kent 276 cam and should be putting out about 90hp.

Anyone got any ideas why this should happen?

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firstly i would bolt everything down properly so you don't have anything moving about, it could be a dodgy connection which gets worse when stuff is moving about, ie down slope. And check all your connections too.

secondly see if you get sparks from your plugs when it wont start, could be fuel??? maybe carburetor, fuel pump or even tank are at fault and hasn't shown its ugly head til now???

Maybe a start?

Hope this helps
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Post by brentp »

You almost certainly have a bad connection somewhere in your system. Best is to go through your entire wiring. Even better is to orient the car in a manner where it consistently not work (i.e. pointing downhill)- then you can pinpoint the problem.

You are correct, V4 software is not compatible with V3 hardware.
Brent Picasso
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Post by ah00 »

Do the edis unit or coil pack require an earth through their bodies? Unfortunately its not feasable to replicate this because I can only get as far as the end of my drive and then I block the road!

I could try some vehicle ramps I suppose

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Post by brentp »


Grounding of the coil frame / EDIS body is not required. The coil only requires the connections via the plug; and the EDIS module only requires ground through the connector.

Let us know what you find out.
Brent Picasso
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Post by Alexander_Monday »

First thing I would do is to verify that it is a problem with the ignition.
If by coincidence it is something else besides the ignition you will be chasing your tail.
How hard would it be to hook up the distributor again and see if the problem still exists?
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Post by Dimbit »

Water trapped somewhere?

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Post by ah00 »

Not going to get a chance to have a thorough look until after I need the car, so dizzy leads are going back on.

The only thing that was changed was taking the vacuum connection off the carb and putting it on the MJ, taking the old HT leads off, disconnecting the earth from the coil and putting leads from the coil pack to the plugs.

I will probably have a chance to look at the weekend and let you know

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