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How to Setup for Twin Carbs....?

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 11:26 am
by Clive B
Hi guys,

I'm new to this site and I've been really impressed with the way this mjlj kit works - pure genius - this is the first time i've ever heard of using the EDIS set-up as an ignition managment tool for any engine, unfortunately i'm no electronics wizz and reading some of these posts tends to give me headache!! ;)

I have been reading all the info i can (and there's a hell of lot!!) about this system - i get the basic principles etc etc

I know i can get a ready buit Mjlj unit, and i've sourced all the necessary parts for the edis unit (except working out how to get my crank wheel to accept the 36-1 wheel and mount the VR sensor)

all good...but....

i'm running twin 40's - i read on here a guy using a TPS sensor on his carbs - seemed a good option to me - any bad points using this technique??

And is there anyone in the south east of the UK with this set-up as i'd love to have a look at one of these systems working?!



to use the MAP sensor you can

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2004 5:43 pm
by brentp
to use the MAP sensor you can create a small common chamber by connecting the individual runners to it, then referencing the MAP sensor to that chamber. Do the webers offer a port to connect a brake booster?

TPS can be more convenient and a cleaner install. A custom mod can provide a TPS input instead of a MAP sensor. I'm also working on the next board version that will support this natively.

The benefit with the MAP sensor is it will automatically adjust if your engine changes it's ability to 'breathe'- i.e. if you drop in a different cam. It directly measures engine load, rather than estimating it from the TPS sensor.


Megajolt twin carbs MAP or TPS

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:03 pm
by UKCaddyModder
Hi i guess you may already have found the info for this question .
If not look at this website.
This guy has fitted a Megajolt to an engine with twin carbs with a TPS . Or alternatively see Josh Bowler's site he has fitted a Megajolt and as i understand it simply left the MAP sensor disconnected . Obviously with this setup you only get 2D ignition mapping but with the TPs you get full 3D mapping .
I am planning to fit a Megajolt with twin 40 DCOEs to a 8v golf engine in a Caddy . So i will post when i have got any results.