Car Wont Start, Tach Signal?

EDIS and Megajolt installation related topics. Be sure to review the <a href="">Vehicle installation guide</a>

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Car Wont Start, Tach Signal?

Post by DarkRaptor »

Im going to post this on both forums hoping somone can help me soon.
Im new to mega squirt and really really want to get it working. Ive got everything wired up on my toyota 4age 20 valve. Im using the megajolt jr system along with the MS. The mega jolt wasnt sparking at first but i got that going, but cars still not working.
In Mega Tune and PC configurator, when the eninges cranking it says that theres no RPMs so im assuming that the tach signal isnt there, also the megajolts software says the same thing. I didnt think not having the tach signal would stop the mega squirt from working. Am I wrong on this? Does anyone have an idea on how i can get a useable tach signal so i can at least get the engine to idle with just the EDIS and leave the mega jolt out of the equation in the mean time? Thanks.

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