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Sensor show 0.00 when above upper limit of scaled input

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:27 am
by sbarton
When an actual reading falls outside of the values that were entered into the Analog Sensor scaling, it shows 0.00. It would be great if it not only interpolated values inbetween, but also values extending to 5.0v or 0.0v.

I was trying to scale my coolant temp sensor using an IR gun to take actual readings. The highest I let my motor get was 210* before turning the fan on to cool it off. The voltage for 210* was 1.92v. If the sensor read less than 1.92v then it showed 0.00 since that was the upper bounds of the value I entered. I also entered ambient temp of 85* at 2.63v. I assume if it read more than 2.63v it would also read 0.00 since that was the lower bound that I entered.

Here are the values I entered:
1.92, 210
2.06, 195
2.40, 150
2.55, 120
2.63, 85

So if it reads lower than 1.92v, it show 0.00 and if it reads higher than 2.63v it'll also show 0.00.

Is there a way, given the values entered to interpolate all the way from 0.0v to 5.0v? That way you won't read 0.00 when it should read something. Obviously it won't be exact, but WAY more useful than just 0.00.


Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:02 am
by brentp
The latest 1.1.13 has a fix which addresses periodic glitches in data (divide by zero error) but also rails the scaled value to the respective edges of the map when outside the ranges.

So in your example, a voltage below 1.92 would rail the reading to 210, and above 2.63 it would rail to 85.