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Firmware development toolchain details

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2013 9:05 pm
by smig
What tool chain is being used to develop the firmware for RCP?

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:31 am
by brentp
We're using

Keep us posted on the work you're doing! :)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:00 am
by smig
brentp wrote:We're using
brentp wrote:Keep us posted on the work you're doing! :)
Will do.
I constructed a temporary dash that interfaces directly to a Hondata ecu, while I waited for the RCP BT/Android solution. Now that's here it's time to look at getting up to speed with the firmware and inserting the RCP into the picture :)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:24 am
by brentp
Awesome - sounds cool. Are you looking to interface via one of the serial ports? Definitely keep us posted.

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 6:12 pm
by smig
brentp wrote:Are you looking to interface via one of the serial ports?
My initial plan is to commandeer the telemetry port but I'm interested to understand what the Y-cable serial adapter project looks like as far as sharing the port. Are you planning on using a higher level transport protocol to allow some sort of device addressing scheme?

btw. I was able to install the toolchain frontend with eclipse and get a clean build. thx for the heads up :)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:56 pm
by brentp

So with With the Y adapter it's nothing more special than the BT module spying on the data stream.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:37 pm
by Max
I bring this thread up again.
I bought the MK2 yesterday an waiting. For my car setup i have to do several thing to fit my needs.

First is to get the Custom PID for Oil Temperature (Toyota GT86). For that i need to modify the current firmware. Are there some documentation for a kickstart? Which tools i need and where the debug/programming interface is? Do i program over USB?

The second thing (for me more easy) the external communication over bluetooth or USB. Is there any protocol documentation.

I need that ready by middle of march.

Hope you could help me. :)

A sticky poste about that would be helpful.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:43 pm
by brentp

Toolchain documentation is here with the repo: ... o_firmware

Do you have documentation on the extended Toyota PIDs? We'd like to capture that information in the wiki, if possible.

We also have a project to document the serial API. coming soon!

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:09 am
by Max
Relates to: ... ostcount=2

OBD2 Mode and PID: 2101
Minimum Value: -40
Maximum Value: 215 (this is just the maximum that this location can support, which does not mean the sensor can read that high)
Scale factor: x1
Unit type: C
Equation: AC-40 (no space between A and C; "AC" is the location within the response)
OBD Header: 7E0 (Auto also works, but seems to take longer)

PID: 2129
Long name: Fuel Remain (or whatever you want)
Short name: Fuel Remain (or whatever you want)
Minimum Value: 0.0
Maximum Value: 100.0
scale: x1
Unit: Gal
Equation: ((A*13.2)/100)
OBD Header: 7c0

If you want the fuel remaining in Liters:
Unit: L
Equation: ((A*50)/100)

Custom PIDs the MK2 has not supported yet, right? I've seen this part of source code. This was one point why i bought that. Seems to be good stuff. So i need a stm32 program adapter?! I think, i have to look how to develop for a stm32 in general. :) In the past i develop more Atmel and currently all the time C++/Qt.

OT: Hope my board is coming soon. Will it take long to come to germany?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:12 am
by brentp
Thank you for the information. I think a way to specify custom OBD-II PIDs would be a good addition to the system. Currently we offer the standard PIDs, which are easiest, but custom PIDs could be supported as well.

You don't need a special programmer; you can compile the firmware and then upload it the regular way over USB.

Shipping to germany is about 6-10 days, typically, once it is shipped.


Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:21 am
by Max
Yes the source code look pretty clean. Maybe something like a factory construction for every supported car could be good. But a i have a big question. Your box support ODB2 over CAN. Currently i have my smartphone with a bluetooth based ELM327. So with your box i do not need any ELM327 anymore, right?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:23 am
by brentp
Exactly, you don't need the ELM327 bluetooth module; the Bluetooth will plug right into the CAN OBD-II port of the car.

We have a cable that will provide data and power to the RCP, here: ... -ii-cable/

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:37 am
by Max
I bought that too! :)

For programming and debugging i need a JTAG Adapter? Is there a connector on the MK2?
Anywhere i've seen pictures from the inside. But i can't find it again.

Sorry for the lots of questions. But i try to prepare everything.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:31 am
by brentp
Good. :)

You do not need a JTAG programmer; you can create a firmware image from the toolchain, and then flash is using USB.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:45 am
by Max
So debugging will be working over USB too?

In the source code ive seen pr_debug("..."). This is printed to the console of the IDE?