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Bluetooth App feature request: user configurable scaling

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:49 am
by GTIspirit
The Bluetooth App is really cool, I'm looking forward to eliminating my analog accessory gauges and having a digital dash. One thing I'd really like to be able to do is change the min/max scaling on the gauges. For example:

Coolant, I'm only interested in viewing it in the operating range of say 150-250F
Battery, would change it to 10-15V instead of 0-20V.
Oil Temp, only interested in seeing it within the normal operating range of say 150-250F.
AFR, 10-16 is what I'd choose.

I guess other people would have their own take on what they consider normal or desirable operating range to view. Since smartphone/tablet screens aren't all that big it would be really helpful to be able to configure the scaling to get more accurate readings from the gauges at a glance.

Bluetooth App feature request: limit bounds

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:52 am
by GTIspirit
When using the Bluetooth App as a virtual dashboard/gauge cluster, it would be really cool if the user could configure upper and lower bounds for each gauge. Kind of goes along with my feature request to configure the scaling. But in this case I'd like to see the gauge do something if the reading went below a lower bounds or above an upper bounds. Preferably with different visual indications. For example, flash red or change the pointer to red when above the upper bounds and a different color when below the lower bounds.

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:51 am
by brentp
These are good features, and this kind of customization is on the list!


Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:41 pm
by harveyf
I concur with GTISpirit, for this to be useful, it really needs to send a strong visual warning when data goes out of range. I normally only scan my gauges on the straightaway. A severe loss of oil pressure needs to be caught pretty quickly. For instance, Porsche puts an oil pressure gauge and an idiot light in the 944. The idiot light really grabs your attention. Also, if the tach function went from green to red at a preset value it might be sufficient to use as a shift light indication.

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 6:55 pm
by brentp
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