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first attempt, using sim from at&t phone

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 9:57 pm
by cmcnitt
I just received my rc mk2, and I'm trying to use the sim from my at&t phone.
Do I just need to get a data only sim, or should my sim work?
below is the debug info:

Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
Cell: IMEI: 866771021082093
cellWrite: AT+CGATT?
Cell: read +CGATT: 1
cellWrite: AT+CIPMUX=0
Cell: read OK
cellWrite: AT+CIPMODE=1
Cell: read OK
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: AT+CSTT="
cellWrite: wap.cingular
cellWrite: ","
cellWrite: ","
cellWrite: cingular1
cellWrite: "
Cell: read OK
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
cellWrite: AT+CIICR
Cell: read OK
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: AT+CIFSR
Cell: read
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: AT+CDNSCFG="",""
Cell: read OK
cell: network configured
cellWrite: AT+CIPSTART="TCP","","8080"
Cell: read OK
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Cell: read CONNECT
cell: server connected
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
sending auth- deviceId: 16AK5XP
Cell: read HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Cell: read Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2015 21:15:56 GMT
Cell: read Content-Type: text/html
Cell: read Content-Length: 177
Cell: read Connection: close
Cell: read Server: -nginx
Cell: read CF-RAY: -
Cell: read <html>
Cell: read <head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
Cell: read <body bgcolor="white">
Cell: read <center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
Cell: read <hr><center>cloudflare-nginx</center>
Cell: read </body>
Cell: read </html>
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}{"getStatus":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
err: auth- token: 16AK5XP
conn: not connected. retrying
init cell connection
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}{"getStatus":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: +++
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: AT+CIPCLOSE
Cell: read ERROR
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: ATZ
Cell: read OK
cellWrite: ATE0
Cell: read ATE0
Cell: read OK
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
cellWrite: AT+CIPSHUT
Cell: read SHUT OK
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: AT+CREG?
Cell: read +CREG: 0,1
Wireless: rx: {"getStatus":null}
cellWrite: AT+CSQ
Cell: read +CSQ: 12,0
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}
Cell: signal strength: 12
cellWrite: AT+CNUM
Cell: read +CNUM: "","12102406370",129,7,4
Cell: phone number: 12102406370
cellWrite: AT+GSN
Cell: read 866771021082093
Wireless: rx: {"getLogfile":null}{"getStatus":null}

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 3:43 pm
by cmcnitt
Well after giving up in frustration I turned it back on the next morning at it works! I did change the apn to 'phone', maybe that's what did it.