Terminal/Connector talk
Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 5:22 pm
I have an RCP mk2. I'm currently using all 7 analog inputs, about to be using all 3 digital PWM inputs. Not to mention I'm using up the 3 GPIO outputs for a ShiftX, yada yada yada.
Suffice to say my wiring is pretty substantial yet somewhat neatly done. Despite that, I'm OCD so I'm going to be redoing my wiring. Aside from Power, Ground and 5V Ref output which will remain 18 AWG wire, I will be dropping all sensors/inputs to 22awg milspec wiring to reduce the size of the wiring harness. I will be incorporating the ASL breakout board (https://www.autosportlabs.com/product/s ... out-board/) but i want to do something a bit above and beyond which brings use into terminal talk:
- I want to put the ASL breakout board into a small housing. Then wire it to plug-in connectors mounted to the housing.
- I want to be able to just plug any 2-3 wire sensor and it is receives +5v ref power and ground from the socket and passes off it's 0-5v signal (or PWM).
- I want a connector that's small and somewhat rugged.
So options I have thought of:
+1/4" Stereo. The price, form factor and availability are all good but not sure how rugged it would be. I dont like that the recepticle jack work on contact pressures, so not sure if there is a potential to short while plugging and unplugging. And also building a stereo cable end is no fun with anything > 22awg wire.
+XLR. That is too big so...
+Mini-XLR. Mini-xlr has a nice size, tab to release lock, and has some nice options as far as chassis mounting panels. To me this is worth the jump up from a stereo plug as each wire would have it's own pin/contact. Would prefer the sensors to be the male end of the cable and the chassis to be female end to avoid any shorting potential. Only cons seems to be not as popular and might be tricky to assemble depending on wire gauge as well.
+Binder 711/712. Anyone familiar with AIM stuff should recognize them. Not entirely sure about stock or how to order these though.
Suffice to say my wiring is pretty substantial yet somewhat neatly done. Despite that, I'm OCD so I'm going to be redoing my wiring. Aside from Power, Ground and 5V Ref output which will remain 18 AWG wire, I will be dropping all sensors/inputs to 22awg milspec wiring to reduce the size of the wiring harness. I will be incorporating the ASL breakout board (https://www.autosportlabs.com/product/s ... out-board/) but i want to do something a bit above and beyond which brings use into terminal talk:
- I want to put the ASL breakout board into a small housing. Then wire it to plug-in connectors mounted to the housing.
- I want to be able to just plug any 2-3 wire sensor and it is receives +5v ref power and ground from the socket and passes off it's 0-5v signal (or PWM).
- I want a connector that's small and somewhat rugged.
So options I have thought of:
+1/4" Stereo. The price, form factor and availability are all good but not sure how rugged it would be. I dont like that the recepticle jack work on contact pressures, so not sure if there is a potential to short while plugging and unplugging. And also building a stereo cable end is no fun with anything > 22awg wire.
+XLR. That is too big so...
+Mini-XLR. Mini-xlr has a nice size, tab to release lock, and has some nice options as far as chassis mounting panels. To me this is worth the jump up from a stereo plug as each wire would have it's own pin/contact. Would prefer the sensors to be the male end of the cable and the chassis to be female end to avoid any shorting potential. Only cons seems to be not as popular and might be tricky to assemble depending on wire gauge as well.
+Binder 711/712. Anyone familiar with AIM stuff should recognize them. Not entirely sure about stock or how to order these though.