* We did not do anything to the SIM card account, should we have??
Do you mean in relation to upgrading from 2.5 to 3.5G? if so, no - it doesn't matter; so long as it supports a data plan, which it appears it does.
* You mention data with no laps. Is this lost?
The data is present on the system, but it's not useful to view as the data on Podium needs laps to view, and that's why it doesn't show data. We have it on our list to re-calculate laps after the fact to handle issues like this. I'll see if I can extract it for you.
* Why can't we see a timeline with it idling or oil pressure or something indicating the system is ready to go on track, on the team laptop? We did attempt to log data to the SD card and got a file.
It's quite possible you were looking at a different ad-hoc event and RCP was broadcasting on a different one. Right now, the best way to tell is to test the different events that show up under
* In previous events, the RCP has NOT had a dash and was providing telemetry. Is this still available?
RCP can absolutely run autonomously, but: RCP needs to be pre-configured to detect the correct track so lap timing works (e.g. including the track in the list of tracks for auto-detection).
However, having the RaceCapture app in the car adds a huge amount of benefit, namely being able to see immediately the status of the system, such as - "do I have a GPS lock?" "Is the track detected?" (screenshots above).
Plus (starting in the 1.8.0 app) it will go above and beyond to try and compensate on the fly if RCP can't detect a track from it's on-board track database (that you add tracks to). Think of the app as enhancing RCPs native capabilities.
Finally, when you run the app you get things like in-car predictive timing, gauges, and so on.
* Regarding logging to SD:
Logging can happen independently of cellular transmission.
* GPS:
To get lap timing, the system needs GPS to function, yes. As soon as RCP gets a GPS lock it immediately looks for a track in it's local track database and, if found, it will configure itself automatically and you'll get lap times. If the car starts up in a garage with no GPS reception, this is not a problem, as it will obtain as soon as possible, and then auto-configure for lap timing if it finds a nearby track.
Note the above is typical with any system that relies on GPS for lap timing.
Overall, in your case I would recommend getting the app in the car as a tool to enhance the system for the above reasons.
* Can you email us the RCP config you used at COTA to
sales@autosportlabs.com we can review it for anything misconfigured and come up with recommendations for the future.
* Can you upload the log files you got off of the SD card so we can review as well?
http://dropcanvas.com is a good option.