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Send all RCPmk3 data to Aim Solo 2 DL over CANBUS?

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 1:00 am
by TXBDan
I have a RCPmk3 setup with several sensors and working well. I would like to send all of the data to an Aim Solo DL so that the Solo with log it and i can use AIM RaceStudio software for analysis and for comparison with other people running Aim hardware.

Aim seems to support various CANBUS protocols with the Solo DL. Has anyone made the RCP emulate one of them?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:49 am
by TXBDan
This isn't optimized or fully verified, but it seems to be working with a 50Hz update rate. I'm using the Haltech V2 canbus protocol. In the Solo DL 2 i simply select the Haltech as the ECU canbus protocol and voila.

Code: Select all

function sendHaltech()
	local rpm = getTimerRpm(0)
	local tps = getAnalog(3)*10 --convert % to 0.10% units
	local op = getAnalog(2)*6.894757*10 --convert psi to 0.1 kPa units
	local ot = (((getAnalog(1) - 32)*5)/9 + 273.15)*10 --convert F to 0.1Kelvin units
	local wt = (((getAnalog(0) - 32)*5)/9 + 273.15)*10 --convert F to 0.1Kelvin units
	local sped = speed*1.609344*10 --convert mph to 0.1km/h units
	local id = 864 --RPM, manifold pressure, TPS, coolant pressure
	local data = {spu(rpm), spl(rpm), 0, 0, spu(tps), spl(tps), 0, 0}
	local res = sendCAN(0, id, data)

	id = 865 --fuel pressure, oil pressure, accel pedal pos, wastegate pressure
	data = {0, 0, spu(op), spl(op), 0, 0, 0, 0}
	res = sendCAN(0, id, data)
	id = 880 --wheel speed gen., gear, 
	data = {spu(sped), spl(sped), spu(gear), spl(gear), 0, 0, 0, 0}
	res = sendCAN(0, id, data)
	id = 992 --coolant temp, air temp, fuel temp, oil temp
	data = {spu(wt), spl(wt), 0, 0, 0, 0, spu(ot), spl(ot)}
	res = sendCAN(0, id, data)
