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Smoothing AnalogX signals?
Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 2:32 pm
by PS14
I have a pair of 0-5v brake press sensors and a 0-5v fuel level sensor connected to an AnalogX. plumbed into the RJ45 of my MK2. works fine but the dash gauges are "jumpy". for example the fuel level gauge will jump back and forth between 5-8 gallons (with car siting still in shop, no slosh involved). brake gauges do the same, kind of flutter around zero/neg zero. is this due to the 0-5v input fluctuations? is there a way to smooth it. thanks, Dave
Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 3:48 pm
by brentp
Yes. There's no smoothing option for direct CAN inputs, but you could do it in Lua with a virtual channel, by first reading the channel data, applying a smoothing / averaging algortihm and then setting that to a virtual channel.
2.13.x firmware will be needed for reading the channel by name. Documentation here: ... r_name_.29
Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 2:14 pm
by PS14
ok, so to account for "voltage slosh" I could use the lua example, tweeked below? i'm just not sure how to add the nil check.
--"Fuel" is the CAN channel connected to level sensor
--"vFuel" is the smoothed virtual channel viewed in dashboard
--Add Virtual Channels
v1 = addChannel("vFuel", 5, 0, 0, 22, "gall")
--change this to make a bigger averaging window
maxAvg = 600
--600 = 20 seconds averaging at 30Hz tick rate
--do not change
fuel2Index = 1
function updateFuelAvg(value)
local i
if #fuelAvg == 0 then
--initialize averaging table
for i = 1, maxAvg do fuelAvg=0 end
fuelAvg[fuel2Index] = value
fuel2Index = fuel2Index + 1
if fuel2Index > maxAvg then fuel2Index = 1 end
local sum = 0
for i = 1, #fuelAvg do
sum = sum + fuelAvg
setChannel(v1, sum / maxAvg)
function onTick()
Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 3:33 pm
by brentp
Not able to tests on a RaceCapture right now, but I fixed a few things:
* Quotes around getting the Fuel channel, since it's specified a a string
* Guarding against nil values for getChannel
When you run it, enable the poll log feature so you can check for any script errors.
Code: Select all
-"Fuel" is the CAN channel connected to level sensor
--"vFuel" is the smoothed virtual channel viewed in dashboard
--Add Virtual Channels
v1 = addChannel("vFuel", 5, 0, 0, 22, "Gal")
--change this to make a bigger averaging window
maxAvg = 600
--600 = 20 seconds averaging at 30Hz tick rate
--do not change
fuel2Index = 1
function updateFuelAvg(value)
if value == nil then return end
local i
if #fuelAvg == 0 then
--initialize averaging table
for i = 1, maxAvg do fuelAvg[i]=0 end
fuelAvg[fuel2Index] = value
fuel2Index = fuel2Index + 1
if fuel2Index > maxAvg then fuel2Index = 1 end
local sum = 0
for i = 1, #fuelAvg do
sum = sum + fuelAvg[i]
setChannel(v1, sum / maxAvg)
function onTick()
Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 11:02 pm
by PS14
that worked well. next question. i want to add the two brake press signals that also come via AnalogX. can these be combined into the one "smoothing" script?
v1 = addChannel("vFuel", 5, 0, 0, 22, "gall")
v2 = addChannel("vFbrake", 5, 0, 0, 1600, "psi")
v3 = addChannel("vRbrake", 5, 0, 0, 1600, "psi")
--can we set multiple channels?
setChannel(v1, sum / maxAvg)
setChannel(v2, sum / maxAvg)
setChannel(v3, sum / maxAvg)
--then update each?
function onTick()