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Help how to load a New map

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:36 am
by Lynton
As a new user of Megajolt Lite, I have been very impressed with the positive feedback. I am running Megajolt Lite jr Tuner - And the Megajolt jolt unit is connected to a 12 volt bench supply. The unit came suplied with some vehicle specific maps on CD. I want to install the map labelled (3D xflow130hp.cfg)If i select import from the tuner toolbar i get an error message every time.(exception EFCcreateError in module MJCCFGFILE10.dll at 00009A99) Its the same problem i get trying to load any of the supplied maps.

Any ideas ???

Every time you import or

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 1:40 pm
by 4600cc
Every time you import or export a CFG file, the program will convert it to an INI, and read it as an INI file format using the build in library features. INI is a Windows configuration file, similar to the CFG (a java configuration file). It would create mjCfgFile.ini in user's directory. User's directory on Windows XP is located in c:\documents and settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Megajolt Lite Jr Tuner\mjCfgFile.ini

The meaning of that error message is as follows: EFCreateError is raised when an application unsuccessfully attempts to create a file. This can occur, for example, if a user specifies an invalid file name, or specifies the name of an existing file that cannot be overwritten because the user lacks appropriate access permission.

a) You might have insuficient user priviledges. Which is very weired, since users should be able to modify and create files in their user's folder.

b) The file might have gotten currupted.

To trouble shoot this: search your C:\ drive for mjCfgFile, enter that as your search string. If you find it, report where it is located, and delete it. Which version of Windows do you have? If you find the file and delete it, you might want to run a scandisk, short test will do just fine.

I don't support that version of tuner any longer, as I am working on the new version now. But I'll make a modified mjtuner.exe for you if those steps would not help. As a matter of fact check the 10 most recent files section on the right, it will be named <a href=" ...</a>

You can also install the Java tuner, it will work.

But in any case, I want to know the version of Windows you are using,
and if it is NT, 2000, XP or later, what kind of user privilidges you have.
And whether doing a quick scandisk helped.

It's not of great help to

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:26 pm
by MartinM
It's not of great help to you Alex, but when I tried your Tuner 2 weeks or so ago, I had complete lack of success with saving/opening files :(

I didn't pursue it at the time and haven't done since, but I just downloaded the ZIP, unpacked it into a diretory and ran the main program....

Which ones to delete in the file section?

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:14 pm
by brentp

Just to help avoid confusion, can you tell me which old versions of your tuning software I should delete from the files section? That way people will only download and install your latest tested version.


In the current list, file

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:45 pm
by 4600cc
In the current list, file #10 and later.

Right right, you unpack it

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:46 pm
by 4600cc
Right right, you unpack it <u>into an MJTUNER program directory</u> and ran it....

By the way, don't tell me it doesn't work. Because it works over here. I have my XP machine, 2 XP laptops, 1 SuSE 10.1 laptop, 6 virtual machines: Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, XP Pro SP2, Windows 3.11 FWG, Windows 95 OSR 2.5, Windows NT 4.0 Workstatio, all bone stock. Program works like it should on all of them, I never had any problems. So you telling me it doesn't work is pretty much the same as that one guy told me it started working after he installed Java.

Now let me digest the process. My tuner uses special format, called .MEGAJOLT or .MJLJ. Brent's tuner uses java properties format (similar to Windows ini). So, if you try to open mymap.cfg in my tuner you will get an error, you'd have to import the file instead. Saving the file will result in saving mymap.megajolt. You could also export a file as a cfg, but that won't save all the extra data.

There are 525 hits on MJTUNER so far. It would be more if the program was a full version and was located among Software and Downloads section. Thus far I can count the complaints on my fingers, left hand only. If the program didn't work, those 525 people would be flooding this forums and my e-mail. In addition, program works fine on all the operating systems I have at my disposal. So where is the problem? Misconfigured, mismangled Windows machines? The program is fool prove, so I doubt a guy would be able to put together a Megajolt system and not be able to use it. It must be crappy Windows. The damn thing even worked on WINE emulator, for as long as there was no serial communication.

Bottom line is that you, as the end-user, make this software. I can test it, but I can only test to a degree. Without your feedback I can't do anything. Lynton demostrated what a perfect feedback should look like, he even gave me the exception message, which I looked up in help notes for VCL, and no doubt there is only one place in my program that would throw this error, the import function. Why it wasn't able to create a file in user's folder beats me, but the way around it was to create the file on C:\ instead, as C drive is usually accessible.


Now, this is a tip that most professionals will discard. Do a fresh install of your Windows every now and then. Update drivers, update BIOS. A) It will run faster, B)it will get rid of many problems. This is especially true on Windows 95, 98, ME. The NT, 2000, XP, Vista are pretty strong and if used properly can last long.

Don't want to do install? Use Spybot to clean it up. Use virus scanner. Do regular disk checks and defrags.

I hadn't had any problems with my stuff for so long that I forgot how to trouble shoot the problems...

Unable to load maps

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:35 am
by Lynton
Many thanks for your help. I downloaded and followed the instructions and it all works fine now.
I am using Windows XP profesional, Full administrators priviliges and scandisk showd no errors.


It didn't work. I can't

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:55 am
by MartinM
It didn't work. I couldn't see why (I can't remember the error message) so I just deleted it all and made an appropriate mental note for the future.

If it works for everyone else that's great.

{My tuner uses special format, called .MEGAJOLT or .MJLJ. Brent's tuner uses java properties format (similar to Windows ini). So, if you try to open mymap.cfg in my tuner you will get an error, you'd have to import the file instead. Saving the file will result in saving mymap.megajolt. You could also export a file as a cfg, but that won't save all the extra data.}
Maybe that was the problem, I can't remember. It seems quite important, but I can't put my hand on your extensive documentation and/or on-line help that told me that before I tried it....

[/partial rant]

Now I will be helpful....and have spent a few minutes of my time that may help you..

Yes I was trying to open a standard map...
File | Open
Change "Files of type" to *.*
See the standard map file I was trying to open (say mymap.cfg) and select it... Open...
...and error message is "Unable to open noname0000.megajolt! blah blah"

Not the best error message I've ever seen I'm afraid :(

Scandisk usually doesn't

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:39 pm
by 4600cc
Scandisk usually doesn't show errors. If you still can run the original .exe, the mjtuner.exe, see if it works now. If you have XP and admin privilidges (even if you were a guest user), the permissions has nothing to do here.

I think what the problem was is that the file got somehow corrupted, and when it tired to over write the existing file it couldn't do it, as the file was still open. A restart or scandisk might have helped the problem. Try to run the original exe if you still have it, tell me if it works or does the same thing again?

Well what you know, you just

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:03 pm
by 4600cc
Well what you know, you just found a bug! Good job!!! Along with that you just gave me an idea, the next version will check if the file is of java properties format and ask you if you want to import it.