Cannot flash the firmware to V4 unit

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Cannot flash the firmware to V4 unit

Post by KoolKat »

We are at a point where we are trying to use the hc08sprg,exe program to flash the firmware
onto a newly assembled V4 unit. When we run the following command as per the flash directions:

hc08sprg.exe COM1 mjlJunior_V4.0.2.s19

It just sits there with the message:

Waiting for HC08 reset ACK...

but it just sits there forever with no reply from the unit as the directions indicate should happen next.

We have a green led lit on the board and we have followed all of the directions to double check
all of the various circuit points on the board.

I even tried powering up the board and connecting up the serial communication cable while running
a hyperterminal and with the telephone like RJ11 cable and 9 pin DB9 adapter as supplied with the
kit and when I type into hyperterminal with the fully assembled
board connected & powered up I get characters echoed back. Now according to other things I have
read here this echoing of charaters in hyperterminal should happen when pulling the 232 processor
and jumpering a couple of the pin sockets where the 232 chip normally pluggs in. Should I see
characters echoed back in hyperterminal on a fully assembled unit as well? I set the hyperterminal
communication parameters for 9600-8n1 and Xon/Xoff flow control.

If I am not getting the "received 0xfc (good)." message back and the hc98sprg.exe program is sitting
there waiting for the ACK what else can I look at to solve this and move onto the next steps?

I have been using a small 9volt battery and I just tried a 12volt car battery to power the unit but I
got the same result. When I connect up a battery (9volt or big 12volt car battery) the led is initially
bright but within a second or two the led fades back to very dim. Is this normal? SHould the led stay
bright all the time as long as the power is connected?

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Post by brentp »


With the kit the processor chip comes with the firmware already programmed, so this step is not needed.

have you tried communicating with the megajolt using the Configuration software (version 4.0.2)? Make sure you have the appropriate com port configured when you first test.

Let us know what you find out.

Brent Picasso
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Post by KoolKat »

Hi, I verified COM 1 with Device Manager and also 1.3V on pin # 10 of U1 (9V battery only showed 7.8V) and correct placement of QG1. Is there any way to mess up the firmware that it would need to be reinstalled? Is there anyway to verify that the firmware is loaded and ready to go? Why does the LED light up when power applied and then go out during a power test. As mentioned, the 9V battery only is showing 7.8V, would think 7.8V enough to power the LED. Funny that I have a V3 & V4 and both seem to have the same "communications problem"
Mike Goodwin
Phoenix, AZ

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Post by brentp »

Hello Mike,

Unless the processor chip is completely burned out, the chip will not suddenly "lose" it's firmware programming. This is likely not the case.

Since you have the same problems with the V3 and V4 unit, it seems your problem might be independent of the Megajolt units, and possibly something on the PC. Have you tried a different computer?

Another way to test the unit is to hook it up to an engine with EDIS installed, then verify if the Megajolt unit is actually controlling ignition advance, using a timing light while engine is running. If you can see the ignition advance change as you vary RPM, then the unit is basically "alive', meaning it can accept the PIP signal from the EDIS unit and reply on the SAW input. This, of course, would indicate the firmware is functioning.

Can you elaborate more on how the LED goes out during a 'power test' - I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.

Yes, 7.8V is sufficient to power the unit. It would be good, of course, to verify you have 5V showing on the regulated sections of the Megajolt unit.
Brent Picasso
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Post by KoolKat »

Hi, I've tested this problem several times on my new V4 board. Using a 9V battery that only has under 7Vs in it I can communicate with multi computers and the LED stays on and bright. I've flashed my tuning program to the processor. If I have more than 7V powering the board, it will not communicate with any computer, I have verified this with several different batteries ranging from 7+v to 12V. When I use 7V+, the LED comes on bright and within 15-20 seconds goes dim. Is there a circuit digram for the V4 board? I'm thinking the VR may be bad, more testing to do.
MichaeL Goodwin
' 68 E Type KoolKat
Phoenix, AZ

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Post by KoolKat »

Hi, I've tested this problem several times on my new V4 board. Using a 9V battery that only has under 7Vs in it I can communicate with multi computers and the LED stays on and bright. I've flashed my tuning program to the processor. If I have more than 7V powering the board, it will not communicate with any computer, I have verified this with several different batteries ranging from 7+v to 12V. When I use 7V+, the LED comes on bright and within 15-20 seconds goes dim. Is there a circuit digram for the V4 board? I'm thinking the VR may be bad, more testing to do.
MichaeL Goodwin
' 68 E Type KoolKat
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Pm'd the circuit diagram for you.

What makes you think your VR sensor is bad unless you mean voltage regulator then i would tend to agree or possibly one of the power supply diodes could of broken down. It may be worth stripping the board of as many components as possible (uln2003, processor chips) and rechecking. Double check diodes are correct way round. Some multimeters can check the function of diodes.
1310 A-series Mini, lightened and built myself. V4 board and loving it

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