comms problem

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comms problem

Post by escortdan »

I am really struggling here to gget communication with the v3 ecu i have that was pre built from brent.

I have installed all the java stuff several times and tried the hyper terminal and dos app but stll can't get access. I have checked the comms port, set to com 1 in the bios and in windows and it just says it can't see anything. I have tried about 4 serial cables all with no joy!

I am stuck now as to what to do and the car is supposed to be doing a track day at the weekend and the way thinggs are going it won't make it!

Please help!!


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Dan, A couple of things to

Post by brentp »


A couple of things to try.

1. Are you powering the unit correctly? Make sure you use the pinout for the V3 controller:
<img src=""/>

2. Try a different computer with a known working laptop. Have you sucessfully used other serial devices on the computer you're using?

Best of luck,
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Have you set the COM port to

Post by MartinM »

Have you set the COM port to 4800 baud and the appropriate start/stop/parity settings?

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I have set the comms port to

Post by escortdan »

I have set the comms port to the required rate, was one of the first things i tested! I will double check the pin is wired properly but it appears to be an issue with the com port, it says that it is in use all the time, but i can't find anything that is using it!

I have tested it with my old modem and the port does work, i have uninstalled the modem and now i still can't get it to see the ecu. I have another laptop i am going to try and see what happens tonight.

thank you for the replys!


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Follow on

Post by escortdan »

ok have checked and double checked the molex connector and it is wired up as per your picture.

I have tried a laptop with a known working com port and still nothing! We cut a serial cable and only used the cables that were needed as from looking at the board, we got a bit further use the dos app it gave back a small reading of RPM 68. k and changed every time after a fiddle with the cable. But we got nothing else other than that small amount!

Then when using the proper app we still got nothing, error reading config again. Really at a loss now as one of our best IT/comms Guys came round with his laptop and we spent about 2 hours testing everything!!

Please help!! Is there anyone local ish in Surrey , uk that has succesfully mapped there own that could try connecting ours and see if it will communicate!? Not sure what else to do!


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Send me an email

Post by MartinM »

Send me an email (moc.liamtoh@srenellim - it's backwards by the way to stop the spam bots!) and I may be able to help...

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Thanks Martin i have fired

Post by escortdan »

Thanks Martin i have fired an email off to you!


Greg Edwards
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Similar COM problem!

Post by Greg Edwards »

It sounds like I have a very similar problem!!
Im getting a message on the mjljTune software: 'Unable to open COM1; unkown serial port'.

I have tried reinstalling all java and mjlj software but this hasn't made any difference.

I moved the comm.jar file into the megajolt installation directory and the message went away but on starting the programme it not says the it unable to get config.

And what are the correct start/stop/parity settings???

I've changed the bit rate to 4800 now but no change.
Any ideas???


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Nothing received :-(

Post by MartinM »

Nothing received :-(

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Hi Dan,I can't help you,

Post by KITT »

Hi Dan,

I can't help you, but I too have a V3 board that a friend ordered from Brent pre-built and that won't communicate with my laptop. I know my laptop's fine as it works with my older V2 board fine. I wonder if there was a bad batch sent out? Any ideas Brent?

Matt Dearden

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