Blue Tooth Not Connecting

Setup and configuration for Race Capture Pro real-time telemetry features

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Blue Tooth Not Connecting

Post by ScottB »


I have just received race capture 2 and have set up bluetooth.

However, the bluetooth module will only transmit (green LED is illuminated on Bluetooth module and top LED is illuminated on Logger) when plugged into the USB cable and will not transmit when the logger is powered up via the 12v in from the car.

any ideas?

Also, I appear to only have approx. 2.6 volts coming out of the 5 volt reference?


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Post by jakekooser »

Not sure if it matters on the V2 hardware, but last week mine wouldn't connect to my tablet because I had inadvertently swapped the GPS and Bluetooth cables.

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Post by brentp »

Hi Scott,

Does RCP power up when powered up over 12v? which port are you connecting the BT module to, and are you attempting to connect using the app in the google play store?

Also, can you double check you're probing the correct port of the terminal block for 5v? The PWM/analog outputs, right next to the VREF will output a voltage in that range, by default.

For reference, here are the instructions for setting up the app using the bluetooth adapter: ... _Bluetooth

Let us know what you find out. Thanks!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Post by ScottB »

Hi Brent,

Thanks for the response.

When powered up using 12v through the green plug, the green LED (under the red one) illuminates indicating that the unit is on, however the top green LED (from the row of 3) and the LED on the BT module do not light up and a connection to the tablet isnt possible.

When the RCP is powered up via the USB cable, both LED lights are illuminated and a connection to the tablet is possible and the dash app appears to work fine.

I am using the inner port of the 2 for the BT module.

Regarding the 5 volt output, I am getting 2.6 volts when the RCP is plugged into 12 volts and I get 5 volts when the RCP is plugged into the USB

Also, Is it possible to add alarms to the Dash app on the Tablet, much the same as you can through the dash that is used on the RC software on a PC?

many thanks


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Post by brentp »

Hi Scott,

That is abnormal indeed. I'll follow up with an email.

Yes, we are working to release the same app you see on the desktop in a mobile form. The app can be beta tested by joining this group:!forum ... ta-testers

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