
General Q&A specific to RaceCapture/Pro. For app related questions post in the RaceCapture App forum. also see the <a href="http://www.autosportlabs.net/RaceCapture">RaceCapture Information Page</a>

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Post by PopKorn78 »

Hi guys,

Is there a dictionnary of all the abreviations that are used with the RCP, like GPIO, PWN, API, etc. I'm trying to understand all of this to play around with that cool product.


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Post by JMcDonough »

Most will probably be the top result if you Google the acronym followed by "definition".

API = Application Programming Interface
GPIO = General Purpose Input/Ouput
PWM = Pulse width modulation
RCP = RaceCapture/Pro (okay, this one probably isn't google-able)

I do think it would be helpful for the folks at Autosport labs to put together a complete beginner's guide to using all of the various functions and features, from installing the necessary programs (perl for instance) to using the RaceCapture App to execute. However, I can sympathize that it is difficult for them to prioritize between adding new features/developing new hardware and documenting the existing features. Ideally, as popularity grows, more users will also be able to contribute. As it stands, the information is a bit scattered and quite a bit of searching and reading is required to accomplish some of the advertised features.

All that being said, a dedicated wiki page for common/related acronyms sounds like a good idea to me.

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Post by brentp »


thanks for clarifying that :)

The root of all RaceCapture/Pro information is here in the wiki, started with the "Getting Started" Link at the top:


We have a pretty good list (endless, really) of how-to's and wiki pages to write! If anyone would like to contribute articles, you're welcome to ping me at brent@autosportlabs.com. Thanks!

Aside from the Glossary of Terms, what other How-To's would you like to see in the wiki?

On the short list is:
* How to connect RPM
* How to manually calibrate a sensor
* How to manually configure a new race track
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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