RaceCapture app for Mac OSX available!

Discussion on the RaceCapture App - Windows, Android, OSX and Linux.

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RaceCapture app for Mac OSX available!

Post by brentp »

The exact same app, but now for your Mac. Download it here, and let us know how it works!

http://autosportlabs.net/RaceCapturePro ... s#Mac_OS_X
Last edited by brentp on Fri May 27, 2016 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Brent Picasso
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Post by acarrano »

Hey Guys. Thanks for the Mac app windows was driving me crazy.

I am having troubles with loading tracks. When I select Brands Hatch Indy I get Brands Hatch GP and also when I select Snetterton 200 I get Snetterton 300. Can you help with this?

Also the check boxes for track selection need to be a little darker please as they are hard to see.

Other than that seems to be ok, so very happy I get to use my mac.


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Post by acarrano »

Hi Guys,

I cant seem to load Silverstone National into RCP2. After it is selected it seems to load up the International circuit. Is there any chance it can be solved before next Thursday as we are racing next fri-sun?



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Post by brentp »


Thanks for testing the app. The problem you're describing isn't unique to OS X, To fix it will likely require a combined firmware and app update. We'll work to get it out ASAP.

If we don't get it done in time, you can still manually set a start / finish line in the app as a fallback. Keep an eye on the blog for updates!
Brent Picasso
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RaceCapture app for Mac OSX

Post by brawta »

Nice work on the Mac app!

I downloaded the app for OSX and used it to update my RCP2 firmware to 2.7.9 without a hitch. So far I've only found a couple of nits that are hardly worth picking. I can hide/unhide the app window no problem, yet a way to switch out of full screen display mode without quitting the Mac app could be handy, but it's no biggie. Then, purely for aesthetics, the fields for latitude, longitude, and UTC could be lengthened a smidgen to accommodate all the digits in the row/column dashboard display; no, I really don't need to see all the digits, just sayin'. ;-) Now it's your turn to tell me to get a bigger display LOL.

Seeing what good work you all do has me really looking forward to the analysis tools!


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Post by brentp »

Hey, thank you! We're already working on the next version of the app + firmware, plus the analysis features. With the touch interface it'll be actually fun to use. :)
Brent Picasso
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Re: RaceCapture app for Mac OSX

Post by ushgeo »

THANK YOU ASL for making an app for Mac!
brawta wrote:a way to switch out of full screen display mode without quitting the Mac app could be handy.
This. Otherwise, the Mac app seems to work great.
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