STRING VirtualChannel

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STRING VirtualChannel

Post by sigtrm »

Can you consider adding string vchan?
Maybe there is some other way but I was thinking about outputting INFO, WARN, ALARM,etc messages onto dashboard and such a STRING channel would be nice to have.

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Post by brentp »

So currently channels are numeric. Are you saying you want the scripting to send text-based alerts up to the app? this is interesting.

How often would it send it? once until the condition resets? Clearly we don't want to flood the app with messages.

The other option is to have the app interpret the values for alert conditions and then display that information on the screen. Perhaps that would work for what you want? You can currently set an alert range in the software for channels.
Brent Picasso
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Post by sigtrm »

brentp wrote:So currently channels are numeric. Are you saying you want the scripting to send text-based alerts up to the app? this is interesting.

How often would it send it? once until the condition resets? Clearly we don't want to flood the app with messages.

The other option is to have the app interpret the values for alert conditions and then display that information on the screen. Perhaps that would work for what you want? You can currently set an alert range in the software for channels.
How often?
Only on new values, leave resetting to NULL for user, also I would leave queueing messages to user too.

So, I understand that sending long strings from firmware to app is not cheap.
What about defining messages on client side, for example one could define in app via special control:

["Message 1 displays {0} of {1}", "Message 2: {0} sets active",..]

in the Lua script one could tell predefined message id followed by arguments:

Passing: 0,13,37 via vchan would render: "Message 1 displays 13 of 37".

Basically we have "printf" like control in App and we pass args to printf from firmware;-)

I know it is still not purely numeric but in that way we can safe `bandwidth'.

Odd is that we would have to define that on every device and in online.

Even better if we could make own widgets for App ;-)

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Post by brentp »

We recently introduced the new status feature within the firmware and app. We think a good place to specify user alerts could be an addition to the status api, which would fall under the 'alerts' section. Lua scripting could specify these alerts.

In lua you can concatenate strings and variable as needed. e.g.

msg = "hello, analog " ..theChannel .. " is " ..theValue .." volts. have a nice day"

Something like that.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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