Hey Guys,
I'm working on a project where I'm using the race capture pro to trigger different functions inside a python application.
I have found that GPS data is about 8 seconds behind 'real time'... Which means a serious delay triggering events...
What are some of the methods of decreasing delay, but keeping a steady stream of data into my application?
Python GPS delay
Architecture Details?
Hey x86box,
Can you give us some more detail about your setup? Like are you relying on data to go out and back from Race Capture servers? Cellular networks are unfortunately pretty variable so it can be difficult to get low latency. Low latency is best achieved by using LUA on the RCP unit and triggering one of the many outputs to control some type of function.
Can you give us some more detail about your setup? Like are you relying on data to go out and back from Race Capture servers? Cellular networks are unfortunately pretty variable so it can be difficult to get low latency. Low latency is best achieved by using LUA on the RCP unit and triggering one of the many outputs to control some type of function.
Andrew Stiegmann (Stieg)
Principal Engineer
Autosport Labs Inc.
Principal Engineer
Autosport Labs Inc.