10 bar pressure sensor issue?

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10 bar pressure sensor issue?

Post by murph1379 »

Hi, I use RCP MK1 with an F500 car - basically an overgrown kart with a snowmobile motor. I purchased the 10 bar pressure sensor to try to log our brake pressure.

I got the plumbing figured out to on of the brake boosters, and got it wired up, power to the 5v reference, ground to the car's ground, and the signal to analog 1.

I wasn't seeing anything in RCP, so I checked the signals with a multimeter. 5v shows 4.96v, ground showed 0 relative to the car's ground at the battery, and the signal wire is showing a constant 3.4v, regardless of the amount of pressure applied to the pedal.

Does this indicate a bad sensor? How can I troubleshoot this further?



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Post by toga94m »

In this thread https://www.autosportlabs.org/viewtopic.php?t=4665 we learned that some sensors want a pullup. What's the part # of your sensor, is it used in a production vehicle so we can see how the pro's wire it up?
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Post by murph1379 »

it's the sensor that Autosport labs sells:

https://www.autosportlabs.com/product/1 ... re-sensor/

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Post by brentp »


providing you wired it up to spec, it sounds like you might have a bad sensor. Contact us at sales@autosportlabs.com for an exchange!

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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