Lap time display (only)

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Lap time display (only)

Post by smallspeed »

Is it possible to create an output (either through scripting or by turning everything else off in the display) that shows only the lap-time, or maybe a current time and vs. best (ie + / - from the predictive timing)
I don't use the dash feature as I have the original pi research system 2 dash in my car which I want to keep, but would like something simple along the lines of the racelogic lap timer (see below) that I could add.. I don't really want to have a tablet stuck on the dash anywhere as it all starts to get a bit messy and confusing!

If its possible to display just one or two bits of data some-how I'm all ears! Also happy to be a guinea-pig if this is something others are interested in..


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Post by rdoherty »

With Lua scripting you could get the current lap time: ... Time.28.29 and RCP does support communicating via serial port. So if you could find a display that supports serial commands maybe you could send it lap times to display?
Ryan Doherty
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Post by smallspeed »

excuse my ignorance, but would something like this (SPI capable display) work? ... -1255.html

I'm assuming it could be connected directly without the need for intermediate processing by say an arduino or a raspberry pi?

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Post by brentp »


Your options are either Serial (RS232), or CAN bus. CAN bus would be the more elegant solution, IMO. SPI is not available on RCP.

Some Serial LCD displays: ... serial+LCD

Note, you'll need to ensure the display can do RS232 signaling, not TTL serial.

As Ryan indicated, you can use Lua to talk to either the serial or CAN ports.

What would you like to see in such a mini display? just lap times?
Brent Picasso
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Post by smallspeed »

for me, its mostly lap times, be that a rolling time, or just a final lap time that flashes up for a few seconds on crossing the start finish line or whatever. I don't really need access to anything else as I have rpm / speed and then alarm values which display coolant / oil temp and oil pressure on my dash (in the place of speed reading) when at pre-set high/low values. I like using my dash and its the "right one" for my car, although its a ball-ache to do laptimes / splits with it as you need a beacon(s) and for the most part that's not practical

if I were making something (bearing in mind im a mech eng) it would just be a rolling current laptime, however if I had more techie/software/electronics knowledge then it would be pretty cool to show say current time and delta vs. best lap, and maybe have it pause the time for 5s at each split / start finish or something

I will get the remainder of my wiring finished off and then see if I can get it running initially with just the lap time - agree with you though CAN might be best to open up additional options and inputs at a later date

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Post by brentp »

Thanks, we always had something very similar in mind with what we were designing for the (now stalled) Formula Dash project.

Keep us posted on your progress!
Brent Picasso
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Post by NickR »

Why not use the predictive lap screen in the app on a bluetooth small phone / android device- Galaxy s5 mini is 131x65 and the racelogic 115 x50 so not much in it. Not checked if s5 has correct android level but there are other options. Easy and low cost?

On a more general point of using that screen in the app for racing:


Could Autosports allow customisation of the timing elements on this screen. The 3 channels at the base of the screen are customisable. If all the elements are customisable then the screen could just show predictive timing which was the original question. It may be best as an option to hide an element rather than remove.

Personally I find the constantly changing predicted lap time distracting (the digits in white at top) as I can see the predictive time below - good youtube clip for anyone who has not seen this 'live'

For endurance racing in UK I would prefer to be able to change the top white digits to show session time(h:m:s) triggered when the pit stop speed point is reached or perhaps when logging starts. If its on logging then it could be setup to lap count from the (grid) start of a sprint race so if its a 20 minute race then again we have it all on one screen with the correct running time. The lap counter could also be used if its a 10 lap race etc.

An alternative would be to show the Session time in the Sector time part of the screen (yellow digits) and then have option to hide the top part . We can run for about 1 hour 40 minutes before we run out of fuel and difficult at night to keep any track of time and this option would really help.
Bristol - UK

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Post by brentp »


Thanks for the feedback and ideas.

We have some plans to make that top section configurable: allow the racer to select either current predictive time, last lap time, or current elapsed time. Adding session time to that list would be great!

The time delta is related to the predicted time, as you can see.

This screen was our attempt to have a "Just the lap times" and I agree, it's the closest we have already to the previous request of just a slim laptime type display.


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Post by brentp »

Brent Picasso
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Post by smallspeed »

NickR - I think that might be the simplest solution for me..
There seem to be a bunch of small android phones kicking about now, as well as watches and things so I think a small size display hooked up via wifi to my RCP2 would be good, especially if we can customise the timer screen a bit more to knock out some of the other stuff :)

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Post by brentp »

We're planning some cool stuff for the dashboard soon, and we'll be sure to integrate this type of feedback. Thanks!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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