Why not use the predictive lap screen in the app on a bluetooth small phone / android device- Galaxy s5 mini is 131x65 and the racelogic 115 x50 so not much in it. Not checked if s5 has correct android level but there are other options. Easy and low cost?
On a more general point of using that screen in the app for racing:
Could Autosports allow customisation of the timing elements on this screen. The 3 channels at the base of the screen are customisable. If all the elements are customisable then the screen could just show predictive timing which was the original question. It may be best as an option to hide an element rather than remove.
Personally I find the constantly changing predicted lap time distracting (the digits in white at top) as I can see the predictive time below - good youtube clip for anyone who has not seen this 'live'
For endurance racing in UK I would prefer to be able to change the top white digits to show session time(h
s) triggered when the pit stop speed point is reached or perhaps when logging starts. If its on logging then it could be setup to lap count from the (grid) start of a sprint race so if its a 20 minute race then again we have it all on one screen with the correct running time. The lap counter could also be used if its a 10 lap race etc.
An alternative would be to show the Session time in the Sector time part of the screen (yellow digits) and then have option to hide the top part . We can run for about 1 hour 40 minutes before we run out of fuel and difficult at night to keep any track of time and this option would really help.