CAN and OBDII mapping functions-RCP ver #?

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CAN and OBDII mapping functions-RCP ver #?

Post by air1dpt »

When will the new functionality shown in this video >
be released to the mobile version of RCP?

I'm really interested to try out the mapping functionality using the GUI.


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Post by brentp »

While we don't generally provide ETAs on releases (we learned our lesson several times) it's at the top of our priority list and will be in the next major firmware and app release. It's a promised feature from the Kickstarter and it will happen. The video you see is based on real, functioning code, as well.

Watch the blog and social media announcements when it's ready! We may make it available as a beta test before general release. Thanks!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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