VERY basic set up info for new user

All sensor specific discussions! Temperature, pressure, steering angle, brake and throttle, etc. Post adaptations of OEM-style sensors, and also your clever DIY hacks and custom designs here too!

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Zeppelin works
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VERY basic set up info for new user

Post by Zeppelin works »

Race Capture Pro2: Unit installed and connected to laptop.Not able to configure the RPM or analog input channels to get correct read outs on the Dashboard display. Tried all kinds of combos. Also, for RPM read out - it appears that the WRite function isnt updating on the unit itself. Was apparent when I tried to set the RPM units for 0 or 1 decimal places instead of the default 6. Would repeatedly change back regardless of what I did including re-start the program and re-load it. Probably something silly, but I give up!!!

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Post by brentp »


Thanks for writing here.

Let's break it down based on sensor.

* What analog sensors do you have connected, and what are they used for? Temperature, Oil Pressure, etc?

* Which ports are they connected to on RaceCapture/Pro?

* How do you have RPM connected to your engine and where is is connected to RaceCapture/Pro?

Basically if you can describe how you've set it up so far, and what you'd like to do at a high level that would help set the stage for helping you.

Brent Picasso
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Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

Thanks for the speedy reply! First off, I didnt do the elec. on the car or connections to the box but it was done by a competent person. Not to say they are correct! This is on a 2002 Toyota MR2 if that is any info. Analogs are 1:fuel, 2: oil press, 3:oil temp 4: coolant temp. (5,6,7 not used) These appear to be correct according to the picture from the website. Tach is pulse/rpm input 1. The instructions how to do this were apparently followed correctly.

For the RPM display, I used the recommended settings, 2 pulses per rev., sample rate of 10 to 50 (also disabled), Timer Med. The documentation mentions a "clock divider" but I didnt see it anywhere. There are not a huge number of things to change and I did get it working (meaning the dial would go up on the display) but the calibration was off - about twice what it should be. Also, when changing the configuration the number of digits after the decimal would frequently revert back to 6 instead of the 1 desired.

Sorry but I dont know the voltage for the analog inputs but can get it from the installer. A bit the same issue though I'm afraid. This looks like a super package and I hope I can get it working correctly for the driver! There are others here that want the same type of thing but I'm the only one brave enough to try install it and get it working! thanks so much. I'll write a Race Capture Pro for Dummies!!!

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Post by brentp »

Ok, let's focus on RPM.

It sounds like you're getting a reading for RPM in the dashboard. Are you getting a reading for RPM? Is it still off?

If it is reading 2x the reading, try changing increasing the "pulse per revolution". Make sure you write the configuration back to RaceCapture between changes.

Once we figure out RPM we'll go on to the next thing.
Brent Picasso
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Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

This is the process I have been using and I also changed the pulses per revolution to 4, did write the change, but didnt make any difference. I also closed the program and re-started it. The car is in the shop and not available over the weekend but you probably have better things to do! I'll write down details for the dashboard settings I have and send to you on Monday for words of wisdom.

thanks very much for your patience!

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Post by brentp »

Thanks for the update.

Is it showing 2x the actual RPM when set to 1 pulse per revolution?

Let us know when you have the car back and we'll continue. :)
Brent Picasso
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Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

Hi Brent - holiday yesterday but took the following info today.
Dashboard view
for fuel Connected to analog port. sample 1hz, linear box checked and default of 1.0, preision of 1 and it reads ok, guage reads about 3/4 full, actual read about 4.5, tank size is 13 gals so it appears to be off about 3x.
For Oil Temp (analog) sample 10 hz, linear 1.0, precision 0 (this is ok) min/max 0 to 300, reads 5 deg but should be 125 +-
ForOil press (analog) sample 1 hz, Raw, Precision 1 (this is ok), Reads 2.7, should be about 20
For coolant (analog) Raw, sample 100, precision 0 (this works ok) min/max 0 to 250, reads 3 should be 197

Last but not least - RPM, currently not registering but did have it working sort of, sample 1 hz, channel RPM, timer speed med, pulse RPM 2, precision 1 (this w orks), min max 0 to 6k, units 100. Currently stuck on 0 and doesnt change. Wierd since it did work before.

sorry for all the hassle! I have sent e-mails to other racers asking if they are familiar with your system but no response from N. Calif group. Thanks for the help

Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

addendum!!! got the analogs calibrated but by changing the settings to linear then a factor that made the screen read out match the guages on teh car. Not sure if that is all that is needed?

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Post by brentp »

Thanks for the update.

Did you change the analog readings to "Mapped" or "Raw" or "Linear" ?

Also, is RPM now working?
Brent Picasso
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Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

Analogs all set at linear then a scaling factor - as above. Yeah!

RPM not working right yet tho. If the sample rate is disabled, gets a reading about twicw what it shoud be and returns to 6 places after the decimal pt. CHangedd channel mode to try them all, no change, and pulse per rev changed from 2 to 4, no difference. stupid car.

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Post by brentp »

Try setting RPM to 10Hz, and 1 pulse per revolution, write the configuration, and then try re-starting the application.

Do you get a reading after that?
Brent Picasso
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Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

Sorry, still reading 0.0. CHannel set on RPM default, 10 hz, channel mode RPM.

Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

0.0 read out also changed from yellow to red. The warnings are all set to 0

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Post by brentp »


If you're reading 0 RPM then it's quite possible there is simply no signal being fed into RaceCapture/Pro. Perhaps you can contact the person who installed it and they can verify the signal with the proper test equipment, such as an oscilloscope.

Great about the other sensors! Keep us posted.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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Zeppelin works
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Post by Zeppelin works »

I was going to do just this. Can you tell me what port the signal should be on in the unit? I noticed that the #1 connection had a wire going somewhere and there was a signal reading on it that was about what the tach should be but didnt vary with acceleration. Dont think it was wired quite right and will check the details on your info.

Will your unit use a Verizon cell phone connection? Didnt see it on the list.

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