iOS and 1.9.0 WiFi Connection

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iOS and 1.9.0 WiFi Connection

Post by PS14 »

I downloaded the iOS 1.9.0 app on my iPhone 5S and am having trouble connecting to my MK2 running 2.10.2. iPhone see's it and connects (I get ip address's). but when I run the app and get to the setup screen, it doesn't see a connection. the little wheel just spins. Thoughts?

I've seen mention of a 2.11.0 firmware, but don't see it listed on Podium.

I originally had the GoPro script, but think you cannot connect when this is running? only one WiFi connection at a time? so I wrote a blank file to the MK2 so theres no scripting at all but still cant connect with iOS. Is it possible to write a GoPro script that doesn't run until GPSspeed > 1 so I can connect while stationary?

Thanks, Dave

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Post by brentp »


You will need to ensure WiFi is enabled in the RaceCapture configuration. Best way is to connect via USB, read the configuration and ensure Wifi is enabled and also the access point mode is enabled.

If these are not enabled, it is possible to connect to RaceCapture's WiFi module, but there won't be a response to the connection if it is disabled.

Once you've enabled WiFi in your Wireless configuration over USB, be sure to write the config back and power cycle RCP.

GoPro control is currently only through Lua scripting, and when in that mode it takes over the WiFi connection, so you can't have the native WiFi connection running at the same time the GoPro script is running.

We're targeting firmware 2.12.0 to natively support GoPro control so you can do both at the same time.

Thanks, keep us posted on your progress!
Brent Picasso
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Post by PS14 »

That did it! I was able to connect using my fire w/BT and write the changes. then had both the fire and iPhone connected simultaneously, cool! I'll just have to have two rcp files until 2.12.0 comes out. one for in the shop and one for on track(to run the gopro & logging).

Next project - adding a used AIM dash.

Thanks for the quick reply.

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Post by brentp »


Keep us posted with your progress. :)
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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