Autox with RaceCapture/Pro3

Discussion on the RaceCapture App - Windows, Android, OSX and Linux.

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Autox with RaceCapture/Pro3

Post by cobra440 »

I just purchased the RCP3 unit and am wondering how I can get GPS coordinates into the software for start, segments and finish. The unit and its GPS receiver are permanently installed in the race car so it would not be practical to take on a course walk. Can my tablet use another source of GPS say an 818XT to record locations around the course? It appears that once the wireless link to the RCP3 is broken the program becomes unresponsive. We have been using SoloStorm with great success up to this point but wanted to upgrade for predictive lap timing.

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Post by d_gatorfan »

My racecapture system hasn't shown up yet, but I have installed the app.
I used my cell phone w/gps during the course walk to mark the start/finish line and sectors.
Doesn't look like there is any way to save the course on the phone.
Apparently you then have to download the course to the racecapture once you get back to the pit.
Won't be able to try that out until I get my apex installed.


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Post by JMcDonough »

I've been getting GPS coordinates from a cell phone app ("My GPS Coordinates") to enter the start/finish points for auto-x. Seems to work well and enables the files to be loaded into podium or the RC App. I take screenshots on my phone to capture the coordinates, manually enter them in the App, then write them to the hardware.

That said, I've not tried setting more than start/finish nor the predictive lap timing.

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Post by brentp »


The RaceCapture app is designed to fall back to the phone's internal GPS when using the interactive track mapper.

If it falls back, you'll see a blue phone icon besides the green GPS status indicator on the interactive track mapper. This lets you use the phone's GPS in lieu of RaceCapture's built-in GPS.

Here's a demo video:

Hope this helps!
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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