Windows Tablet Recommendations

Discussion on the RaceCapture App - Windows, Android, OSX and Linux.

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Windows Tablet Recommendations

Post by gizmodo »

Is anyone using a Windows tablet with the RaceCapture App? I have a few other gizmos in the car that have Windows only software, otherwise I would just get an Amazon Fire. I'd prefer a 7 inch tablet, but I might be able to squeeze an 8 inch into the dash as well.

Someone from Autosport, are there general system requirements as far as processor and memory that I should look for?

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Post by brentp »

We don't have any windows tablet recommendations, but probably whatever minimum spec would work just fine.

For Android - The Fire 8, or Nvidia Shield would work very well for you.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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