Analysis mode lap comparison feature

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Analysis mode lap comparison feature

Post by TXBDan »


One way to really quickly see where things went right or wrong when comparing two laps is to plot the difference between two lap times over distance. Ie, it shows how the gap changes as you progress around the track. Adding this feature to the Analysis mode would be a huge help.

One way to do it would be to add a "Lap Time Delta" function in the Channels list. You could just choose that as a "channel" to plot and set the horizontal scale to distance like any other channel.


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Post by brentp »

Thanks. I think you're referencing something similar to the 'time gap' analysis we have on the web interface for Podium? If so, yes, that's something we're planning on supporting in the app.
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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