RaceCapture Android App - No GPS Fix

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RaceCapture Android App - No GPS Fix

Post by boggie1688 »

Hi Guys,

I'm using the Racecapture Android App (1.11.0) on my Nexus 6P. For the last few AutoX events, I can't seem to grab GPS coordinates using the RCP android app. I've ended up using a 3rd party app, then copy and pasted the data over.

For whatever reason, when I use the RCP app, and select the crosshair icon to grab current GPS coordinates, a error message pops up and says "No GPS Fix".

I know my phone has GPS signal. My Google maps work, and the 3rd party is able to produce a GPS fix with coordinates. I've also double checked to make sure the app has the permission to access my location data.

Any one got an idea of how to fix this?


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Post by brentp »


On that screen when pressing the crosshairs for setting the points, it uses the GPS from RaceCapture. Are you connected to RaceCapture at the time, and does it have a GPS lock?

Alternatively, you can use the newer interactive track builder, which does use the phone's GPS *if* you're out of range of RaceCapture - e.g. if you've walked away from your car.
Brent Picasso
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Post by boggie1688 »

Ahh! I didn't realize that it uses the GPS data from the actual RCP. Unfortunately, I can't go driving around the course before hand. My only opportunity is to use my cell phone while I walk it.

I'll check the video that you link.

Thanks Brent.

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