I have an RX-8 with a 13b-REW engine swap (FD engine) and Megasquirt ECU. I'm trying to use my RaceCapture/Track MK2 to drive the OEM RX-8 gauge cluster which uses CAN data for RPM, speed, coolant temp, and oil pressure.
I need the Lua script to:
1. Receive CAN data from the Megasquirt and store as local variables (RPM, Speed, coolant temp, oil pressure)
2. Re-scale the data to what the OEM cluster is expecting and perform bit-shift operations
3. Transmit the data via CAN to the proper CAN IDs that the cluster expects
I have #2 and #3 working perfectly. I can fake an engine RPM (define "RPM=3000" in the script) and my script is able to re-scale the data properly and transmit it to the cluster, and the tach works. Same with the other variables/gauges. However, I'm still struggling with the best way to execute #1. I originally assumed that I could use "getChannel" to import a CAN variable that has already been defined in the "CAN mapping" tab - but that is not working at all (now I'm thinking it only works for channels defined in the Lua script using "addChannel"). My next attempt will be to use the "CAN bus integration" example script for the E46 to import these CAN variables. My concern is that I will be defining some CAN channels twice (once in "CAN mapping", and once in Lua) and that may cause some issues.
To summarize my questions, I'm stuck on how to receive CAN data and store as a local variable in Lua:
- Is there an easy way to grab channels that are already mapped in the CAN mapping tab for use in Lua?
- Is the CAN bus integration script the right way for me to receive CAN data and store it as a local variable in Lua?
I appreciate any help. I'll post an update if I make progress.
Re-scale/ID CAN data to drive gauge cluster
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon May 06, 2019 3:48 pm
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- Joined: Mon May 06, 2019 3:48 pm
For reference, this is the script I wrote to manually control the RX-8 gauge cluster:
This works perfectly to control the tach, speedo, coolant temp gauge, and oil pressure "gauge." Now I need to make this script read CAN data and pass that data to the RPMreal, SPEEDreal, TEMPreal, and OILPRESSreal variables.
Code: Select all
function onTick()
RPMreal = 1000 -- rpm input
RPMscale = (RPMreal)*3.85 -- scale to what RX8 canbus is expecting
RPML = bit.band(RPMscale, 0xFF) -- mask out high byte
RPMH = bit.rshift(RPMscale, 8) -- shift high byte to the right
SPEEDreal = 20 -- speed input
SPEEDscale = 160.06*(SPEEDreal)+10010 -- scale to what RX8 canbus is expecting
SPEEDL = bit.band(SPEEDscale, 0xFF) -- mask out high byte
SPEEDH = bit.rshift(SPEEDscale, 8) -- shift high byte to the right
data201 = {RPMH,RPML,0,0,SPEEDH,SPEEDL,0,0}
txCAN(0, 0x201, 0, data201)
TEMPreal = 190 -- coolant temperature input
TEMPscale = TEMPreal*0.7 --scale coolant temp
OILPRESSreal = 25 -- oil pressure input
if OILPRESSreal>15 then -- if logic to control binary oil temp gauge
OPbit = 1
OPbit = 0
data420 = {TEMPscale,0,0,0,OPbit,0,0,0} -- byte 4 is oil pressure, 5 is CEL (64=on), 6 is battery charge (64=on)
txCAN(0, 0x420, 0, data420)
data200 = {0,0,255,255,0,50,6,129} -- needed for EPS to work
txCAN(0, 0x200, 0, data200)
data202 = {137,137,137,25,52,31,200,255} -- needed for EPS to work
txCAN(0, 0x202, 0, data202)
I think you want to use getChannel() as defined here in the API:
https://wiki.autosportlabs.com/RaceCapt ... r_name_.29
https://wiki.autosportlabs.com/RaceCapt ... r_name_.29
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- Joined: Mon May 06, 2019 3:48 pm
Ah ha! I tried that before but wasn't having any luck. The reason was that my mapped channels were @ 10hz or 1hz, but the lua script was running @ 25hz - so most of the data was nil. I bumped all of the mapped channels that I'm using to 50hz and kept the lua script @ 25hz. Now it seems to work. I'll drive the car sometime this week to test everything, but I'm pretty confident that it's working now. I even added functionality for the battery light in the cluster.ferg wrote:I think you want to use getChannel() as defined here in the API:
https://wiki.autosportlabs.com/RaceCapt ... r_name_.29
Here's the final(ish) version of the script:
Code: Select all
function onTick()
RPMreal = getChannel("RPM") -- rpm input
if RPMreal ~= nil then
RPMscale = (RPMreal)*3.85 -- scale to what RX8 canbus is expecting
else RPMscale = 0
RPML = bit.band(RPMscale, 0xFF) -- mask out high byte
RPMH = bit.rshift(RPMscale, 8) -- shift high byte to the right
SPEEDreal = getChannel("LF_Wheelspd") -- speed input
if SPEEDreal ~= nil then
SPEEDscale = 160.06*(SPEEDreal)+10010 -- scale to what RX8 canbus is expecting
else SPEEDscale = 0
SPEEDL = bit.band(SPEEDscale, 0xFF) -- mask out high byte
SPEEDH = bit.rshift(SPEEDscale, 8) -- shift high byte to the right
data201 = {RPMH,RPML,0,0,SPEEDH,SPEEDL,0,0}
txCAN(0, 0x201, 0, data201)
TEMPreal = getChannel("CLTemp") -- coolant temperature input
if TEMPreal ~= nil then
TEMPscale = (TEMPreal*1.8+32)*0.7 --scale coolant temp
else TEMPscale = 0
OILPRESSreal = getChannel("OilPress") -- oil pressure input
if OILPRESSreal ~= nil and OILPRESSreal>15 then -- if logic to control binary oil temp gauge
OPbit = 1
OPbit = 0
BATTreal = getChannel("Batt") -- battery voltage input
if BATTreal ~= nil and BATTreal > 11 then --if logic to control battery light
BATTbyte = 0
BATTbyte = 64
data420 = {TEMPscale,0,0,0,OPbit,0,BATTbyte,0} -- byte 4 is oil pressure, 5 is CEL (64=on), 6 is battery charge (64=on)
txCAN(0, 0x420, 0, data420)
data200 = {0,0,255,255,0,50,6,129} -- needed for EPS to work
txCAN(0, 0x200, 0, data200)
data202 = {137,137,137,25,52,31,200,255} -- needed for EPS to work
txCAN(0, 0x202, 0, data202)
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- Joined: Mon May 06, 2019 3:48 pm