Scaling for CAN Tx messages?

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Scaling for CAN Tx messages?

Post by GTIspirit »

What is the scaling on Lua Script CAN Tx messages?

function onTick()
local speed = getGpsSpeed()
--format the speed in a CAN message. Speed is in the first byte
local msg = {speed}
txCAN(1, 1917, 0, msg)

If I want to transmit GpsSpeed, and this is packed into the first byte, what is the scaling? (I assume the offset is zero....) Scaling of 1, so FF = 255kph?

P.S. I assume in Lua Script the CAN ID is specified in decimal, so 1917 would be 0x77D, correct?

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Scaling is 1:1 dec:phys

Post by GTIspirit »

I did a little testing, and it appears the scaling is 1:1 decimal:physical. The integer value of the signal is what is sent on CAN.

With a little help from this post:
Re-scale/ID CAN data to drive gauge cluster

I came up with this script to test, and confirm the theory.

Code: Select all

setTickRate&#40;10&#41; --TickRate is in Hz
function onTick&#40;&#41;
  local speed = getGpsSpeed&#40;&#41;*1.6092*255  --convert to kph and rescale for increased precision
  --local speed = 16.6*255
  speedL =;speed, 0xFF&#41; --mask out high byte
  --speedL = 3
  speedH = bit.rshift&#40;speed, 8&#41; --shift high byte to the right
  --speedH = 7  
  --format the speed in a CAN message. Speed is in the first two bytes
  local msg = &#123;speedL,speedH&#125; 
  txCAN&#40;1, 1917, 0, msg&#41;
  local speed11 = getGpsSpeed&#40;&#41;*1.6092
  --local speed11 = 16
  --format the speed in a CAN message. Speed is in the first byte
  local msg = &#123;speed11&#125; 
  txCAN&#40;1, 1918, 0, msg&#41;
So message 0x77E is sent with 0 digits of precision, 0 to 255dec is 0 to 255kph physical.
Message 0x77D basically has two digits of precision, 0 to 65535dec is 0 to 255kph physical. If my car was capable of more than 158.36mph then I'd have to chose a different scaling factor.....

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Re: Scaling is 1:1 dec:phys

Post by ferg »

GTIspirit wrote: If my car was capable of more than 158.36mph then I'd have to chose a different scaling factor.....
Or use a 16 bit value for speed, instead of a single byte.
David Ferguson
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Re: Scaling is 1:1 dec:phys

Post by GTIspirit »

ferg wrote:
GTIspirit wrote: If my car was capable of more than 158.36mph then I'd have to chose a different scaling factor.....
Or use a 16 bit value for speed, instead of a single byte.
Yes! That is exactly what I suggested in my example. I'll post the final code to make it easier to follow.

Code: Select all

setTickRate&#40;10&#41; --TickRate is in Hz
function onTick&#40;&#41;
  local speed = getGpsSpeed&#40;&#41;*1.6092*255  --convert to kph and rescale for increased precision
  speedL =;speed, 0xFF&#41; --mask out high byte
  speedH = bit.rshift&#40;speed, 8&#41; --shift high byte to the right
  --format the speed in a CAN message. Speed is in the first two bytes
  local msg = &#123;speedL,speedH&#125; 
  txCAN&#40;1, 1917, 0, msg&#41;
So 65535 divided by 255 gives 257kph, which is 159.71mph.
So if your car is faster than that replace the 255 above with say 128 which would give 511.99kph = 318.16mph, more than enough for anyone on this forum!

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Post by brentp »

Looks like you're figuring it out!

We have a GPS / IMU broadcast script here that could help: ... e80c86694c
Brent Picasso
CEO and Founder, Autosport Labs
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