I'm new here. I've just bought, recieved, assembled an talked to the Megajolt blackbox and all seems fine so far.
I have nearly all EDIS components and a triggerwheel to install on my van. It's a 1983 Ford Transit with the well known 2l pinto engine, although it's running on low compression 8,2:1.
I don't worry about the installation in the vehicle, that's clear to me, as far as I can judge the installation instructions.
What is unclear to me is how to get the blackbox to act like the old distributor. I do have all the theoretical data about the mechanical- and vacuumadvance, but how do I convert this into something the blackbox can work with?
Please could someone enlighten me?
Thanks a lot! Ewout - the Netherlands
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Ford Transit 1983cc ohc pinto low compression engine 8.2:1 compressionratio.
Centrifugal advance Vacuum advance
revolutions advance Vacuum in mm Hg Vacuum in kPa advance
1200 and lower -1.0 to +1.0 70 and lower 9.3 0
1400 -1.0 to +3.0 75 10 -1.0 to +0.5
2000 5.0 to 9.0 100 13.3 -1.0 to +2.0
3000 14.5 to 19.5 110 14.7 -1.0 to +5.0
4000 24.5 to 30.0 150 20 9.4 to 15.4
4800 and higher 32.5 to 36.5 190 and higher 25.3 16.0 to 22.0
1. Vacuum between 9.3 to 25.3 kPa
2. Max advance is 22deg at 25.3 kPa
3. Basic static timing is 6deg BTDC
MAP: 100 - 9.3 = 90.7 kPa
100 - 10 = 90 kPa
100 - 13.3 = 86.7 kPa
100 - 14.7 = 85.3 kPa
100 - 20 = 80 kPa
100 - 25.3 = 74.7 kPa
800 1200 1400 2000 3000 4000 4800 5800