Anyone with MK1 hardware and CANx - can you share what firmware you're running, to help me confirm I'm not insane? I just got my CANx in the mail, but can't get it working. The sample script shows a failure to init in the console/log window :
"Failed to reset CAN controller"
"CAN init failed"
This was with firmware 2.8.2 and Win8 app 1.3.6, then downgraded to firmware 2.7.7 and app 1.2.4, same error both times. I don't have anything connected to the CAN bus port, just jumpered to the RCP MK1 unit.
Script pasted from here- I even tried just the initCAN(0,500000) line, and left ontick() alone from the default script (I issued 'resetConfig' at the console after downgrading)