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setTickRate(10) --TickRate is in Hz
--function onTick()
local speed = getGpsSpeed()*1.6092*255 --convert to kph and rescale for increased precision
speedL =, 0xFF) --mask out high byte
speedH = bit.rshift(speed, 8) --shift high byte to the right
--format the speed in a CAN message. Speed is in the first two bytes
local msg = {speedL,speedH}
txCAN(1, 1917, 0, msg)
-- Set ShiftX2 configuration parameters with default parameters
-- orientation: 0=normal, 1=inverted (display above LED bar)
-- brightness: 0-100%, 0 = auto brightness
-- can bus: 0=CAN1, 1=CAN2
--config shift light
sxCfgLinearGraph(0,0,5000,7000) --left to right graph, smooth style, 0 - 7000 RPM range
sxSetLinearThresh(0,0,5000,0,255,0,0) --green at 2000 RPM
sxSetLinearThresh(1,0,6000,255,255,0,0) --yellow at 6000 RPM
sxSetLinearThresh(2,0,7000,255,0,0,10) --red+flash at 7000 RPM
function onTick()
local nmot = 6000
But when I change the scaling to 5000 to 7000, I would expect the LED's to first start lighting up at 5000rpm, and then all to be lit up at 7000rpm. But that's not what happens.
What happens is, with nmot =
10000 all green,
1000 all red flashing (real head scratcher because 1000 is below 5000 so nothing should happen....)
11000 all yellow,
6000 none (here I would have expected half to light up, because 6000rpm is halfway between 5000rpm and 7000rpm.....)