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Wide band lambda on serial comms

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2025 1:52 pm
by RLittle
Hi all , fairly new to this forum , installed a megajolt in my Ford GT40 recreation a few years ago but then life put things on hold due to starting a family etc. 3 boys now and starting to get time back in the garage .

Anyway. Have a Ford 302 V8 running on the megajolt but a the point now where I will be starting to look at setting carb jets etc and having installed a wideband Lambda I’m looking to see if there is any way to bring the lambda reading into the Megajolt software.

I currently have the lambda signal into my laptop through serial comms ( hyperterminal) and it displays the AFR ( or Lambda ) but would like to be able to see this on the same trend /graph as the RPM and MAP .

Has anyone down this before.? Or know if it is possible?

It would just be nice for tun8ng purposes to see on the same time base


Re: Wide band lambda on serial comms

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:54 pm
by RLittle
Think I may have just answered my own question . Just realised the megajolt has a 0-5 v aux input. I can output the wide and lambda in a 0-5v analogue output and connect into megajolts therefore ultimately a better solution rather than trying to timesync serial data. Looks like just a track to be cut on the megajolt R6 circuit to enable the 0-5v scale.

Has anyone done this successfully?