future mod ??

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future mod ??

Post by fragged8 »


it just occured to me that if the tps uses a voltage input then if using a map sensor you could still
use the tps input, except connect a lamda sensor to the tps side ?? just software select a different calibration table ?
after all the lamda just outputs a voltage . right ?

this would mean you could realtime adjust your mixture too :D

im an electronics moron so flame away tell me why you cant do this ?

it just seemed like a good idea at the time..:D

P.S if it is a good idea can you send me one for free for the idea ? heheheh...


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Post by MartinM »

Unfortunately there is only one input to the processor for the "engine load" measurement (the so-called 3rd dimension of the ignition map) and this is fed with a voltage from either the internal MAP sensor or the external TPS, depending on which option you have.

So you can't use both inputs at once :(

...and I'm not quite sure how you would get the MJLJ to alter the mixture as it only deals with ignition timing.

I'm not sure what the relationship between the lambda sensor output and ignition timing is - does the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas vary with ignition timing?

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Post by fragged8 »

pity you cant use both inputs.

I wasnt thinking auto mixture adjustments via the mj but if the info was avaliable via the software
you could tune the carb to perfection and monitor it while driving.

I have a lamda reader using LEDs which a friend of mine helped me make
but we never completed it and im not an electronics guy so cant finish it
I do have 4 PCBS though and one 90% made unit..

nudge nudge... anyone


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Post by fikus01 »

now having the ability to show you when you are running lean would be a good one maybe another gauge for the tuning window! especially for the turbo guys! and if there was maybe a rev limit cut in when things got dangerous it save a piston or two!!!

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Post by MartinM »

Well, if you can turn the lambda output into a OK/not OK signal then you can use that to drive the OPTION input on the MJLJ to get the MJLJ to switch maps (and programmable outputs and rev limits) on the fly to a completely different set....

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Post by brentp »

For those that would like to do firmware mods, there's also the AUX input on the board (not tied to the molex connector). That feeds a pin on the processor which can be configured as an Analog or digital channel.
Brent Picasso
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auto map

Post by fragged8 »

what a good idea fikus

mixture goes too lean and the map goes into safety mode..

2 heads really are better than one .. :D


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Post by fikus01 »

my thinking was a basic way to dyno the car and setup the carbs too! ok it wont give u a bhp but evrything but

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